The Washington Monument is one of the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in our nation’s capital. Built to honor George Washington, the first president and colonial general, this towering obelisk dominates the skyline of the National Mall. Standing at 555 feet, it remains the tallest stone structure in the world. Construction began in 1848 but was halted for decades due to funding issues and the Civil War, before finally being completed in 1884. Today, the monument serves as a powerful tribute to Washington’s leadership and legacy, drawing millions of visitors who marvel at its grandeur and historical significance.
...perhaps Washington is weeping these days?
I feel like we should all wear black for the funeral.
Good afternoon. Thank you for your attention, visit and comment. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to leave Brazil and visit new countries yet. Of course, Dallas and other cities in the United States have wonderful and incredible museums. Sorry for my English, I use Google Translate.
Brazil is wonderful, despite all its problems. As I'm from Rio de Janeiro, I created this Blogger, to show a little bit of the culture, nature, historic cities, beaches and a little bit of the states of Brazil, which I had the opportunity to visit. Your comment makes my heart happy and shows that I am on the right path and shows that Rio de Janeiro and Brazil are not just violent places. Today I saw it on television, about a Brazilian woman who was robbed in Paris. But back to Blogger's theme, showing a little bit of Brazilian culture, history and nature. Thanks for your comment.
No need to apologize for using a translator. :-)
I love it, I hope to someday see your country for myself.
Suas fotos de Washington, são maravilhosas, parabéns. Não sei como o meu corpo sentiria o contato com a neve ou o frio do seu país. Como sou brasileiro e da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, estou mais acostumado com o calor de 42 graus e frio de 20 graus, nos cariocas, moradores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, quase congelamos. Imagino com temperaturas negativas. Já congelo só de pensar.
The day you come to Brazil, know that you will have a great Brazilian and Carioca friend from Rio de Janeiro (that's what they call someone who was born in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Carioca is a word in the language of the original or indigenous people who spoke Tupi-Guarani, who were here when the Portuguese arrived. Carioca means: white house.
The monument is in deed a great sight
Great pictures of the monument. I appreciate the close up. All the pictures I've seen make it look like it was carved out of one block. I had no idea it has hundreds of small blocks. Have a great week.
Eu sinto o mesmo, onde eu cresci era relativamente quente. Não sei como reagir a um clima muito frio ou com muita neve.
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