21 March, 2025

Isla Del Paraiso

My first glimpse of Puerto Rico came through the lyrics of "America" in West Side Story—a portrayal that, in hindsight, did little justice to the island’s true essence.

Stepping onto its shores, I was immediately struck by its rich history and breathtaking beauty. Though my visit was brief, it left me yearning for more. San Juan alone could captivate me for weeks—wandering through its colonial streets, exploring its storied forts, and indulging in its incredible cuisine. Puerto Rico is, without a doubt, a true gem of the Caribbean.

 Mi primer vistazo a Puerto Rico fue a través de la canción "America" en West Side Story, una representación que, en retrospectiva, no le hacía justicia a la verdadera esencia de la isla.

Al poner un pie en sus tierras, me impresionaron de inmediato su rica historia y su asombrosa belleza. Aunque mi visita fue breve, me dejó con ganas de más. San Juan, por sí solo, podría cautivarme durante semanas—paseando por sus calles coloniales, explorando sus históricos fuertes y deleitándome con su increíble gastronomía. Sin duda, Puerto Rico es una verdadera joya del Caribe.


Tom said...

... I visited Puerto Rico over 60 years ago. How time flies.

CosmicGrant said...

That just means you are overdue for a visit.

Light and Voices said...

Puerto Rico didn't leave your heart. Perhaps you need to make a return visit soon.

Lisa said...

I can just imagine the warmth!

Photo Cache said...

Was in PR for the first time in late February. I enjoyed my short time there.

Worth a Thousand Words

CosmicGrant said...

Yes, I do.

CosmicGrant said...

It’s lovely.

CosmicGrant said...

I need to return.