Waking up and stepping onto the deck, I was greeted by my first morning impressions of Ensenada, Mexico. The sky was adorned with breathtaking clouds, their soft forms contrasting beautifully against the lush green mountains. Buildings dotted the hillsides, adding character to the landscape, while the deep blue waters below mirrored the vast sky, completing the stunning scene.
Beautiful post. We don't see too many posts featuring Mexico on SWF. It is such a beautiful country.
...first impressions are always good.
I love beautiful first impressions.
Yes it is!
Beautiful scenery and those clouds are lush.
Impressive 2 photographs!
Mexico is so diverse and many places are breathtaking.
Thank you.
Boa tarde e bom final de semana. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Tenho outras postagens e matérias, sobre o Pão de Açúcar. Grande abraço carioca.
Obrigada, sempre gosto dos seus comentários e do seu blog!
The cloud is in deed mesmerising
I like the clouds, especially in the first photo.
Great shots.
I completely agree.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Beautiful skies. It's been many years since I've visited Ensenada. It looks much more built up than I remember!
It’s a beautiful city.
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