08 June, 2011

West Florida

There isn’t too much that can be said about this photo, since the photo itself says a lot about Old West Florida.   Pearl, Mississippi is a few miles within the historical boundary of West Florida, and I have been a resident of what was once West Florida my entire life.    This will not change, as in less than a month, I will be a resident of current west Florida and what was considered the eastern boundary of Old West Florida.   I have accepted a new opportunity with my company, with my friends and families blessing… I will soon be relocating. 


TexWisGirl said...

congrats to you on a new opportunity! i hope it will be a good thing for you all the way around (i'm sure with your mom's hospital stays, that's been a heavy thing on your mind...)

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Oh wow! Always good to get a new opportunity and challange, although relocating isn't that easy at the best of times. Good luck. I hope you will show us a lot of thing about your new environment

Unknown said...

I am so excited. And my mother is very supportive, and excited about beachy visits.