I don’t like hospitals; in fact I detest them with every fiber of my being. However, I do feel the need to write about this one in particular, this is the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson . I was born here and so were my mother, and many other members of my family. I have seen too much of this place recently and I feel the need to write about it in hopes that it will appease the powers that be so that the universe rights itself and no one in my life has to enter through it’s doors for a reason other than employment.
UMMC is one of the best hospitals in the state of Mississippi , and it is probably the only hospital that I trust. While it isn’t perfect as most hospitals aren’t, but it is a bit different than most others in the area in that it is a teaching hospital. This means that it is not run solely for profit, so it is one of the few hospitals that will work with you and offer reasonably attainable financial aid if you can not afford normal care. (You see the fact that the American Healthcare system is a for-profit industry is something I find morbid and frightening… but that is a rant I’m not going to get into.) This hospital is the only level-1 trauma center in the state of Mississippi and has been the hospital of choice in my family for generations.
I have seen a lot of this hospital recently, as my mother has been in and out of it since March. It has been a long ordeal and we still have a long way to go, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
oh, i'm terribly sorry that your mom (and consequently your family) are having health issues and worries. i hope she will recover. it's nice to see a hospital get some good PR... :)
my hubby works for FEMA (i know they get a bad rap, but...) he spent 4 days pulling people out of houses in New Orleans and loading them into boats and helicopters. he spent months working in the facility they set up for evacuees in San Antonio; then went straight into Hurricane Rita-effected areas in S Texas. In Hattiesburg, he worked in a FEMA facility that was collecting those dreaded trailers... It's not a glamorous life, but he's a former firefighter/paramedic and former cop so his crisis managment skills are incredible and he can keep folks calm and keep situations controlled better than anyone i know... these days he's moving into more managerial roles so stays behind the scenes a bit more than he'd probably like... but he's good at it - but the politics are tough...
Thank you for your kind comments about our Golden, Haley. She was a wonderful dog and our best friend for years, sharing almost every aspect of our lives. It's so hard, and I'm still living in sadness, which I'm told will pass...
I've been through some of what you're going through with my parents and I know how difficult that is, also. Our best wishes to you and your mother and may she regain her health and be free from pain!
Oh dear--I'm horribly sorry the mom is going through health issues--and apparently others that you care about. Makes it difficult on those who love 'em as well.
I'll say prayers and send positive thoughts.
I don't like the healthcare 'stuff'--and I'm close to the working hospital in this neck of the woods. it's a University Hospital and has the latest and greatest--so for that, I'm glad. Folks get the lastest technology and student learn. Now if we could just teach about compassion and stick with caring about each other more than we care about pricetags, I'd say we had it made.
I'll send prayers.
Hang in there, Grant.
Best wishes for your mother, it must be a hard time for you (and her).
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