03 June, 2011

We are all but Castles of Sand

Life can be like a castle of sand; built tall and sturdy and all it takes is one wave and it is over.   Yes it can be rebuilt, but not the same.   I was walking on Biloxi beach yesterday on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, and occasionally I would come across a bed of barnacle incrusted bricks.   It took me a moment to realize that these were what remains of the businesses that once lined Beach Boulevard in Gulfport and Biloxi… all hat remains six years after Hurricane Katrina completely washed them away like they were a tiny sand castle on the beach.  


TexWisGirl said...

oh,isn't that so true... life as we know it can be gone in an instant - whether it's Mother Nature, an accident, a heart attack etc. or the actions of another...

Lowell said...

Hard to believe Katrina was six years ago! I know all about the brevity of life - we lost our Golden Retriever yesterday. The pain is palpable!