13 June, 2011


As a rule, we tend to forget to look at things from the perspective that we are above it and we are better than most.   We tend to do this at times individually and as a people in general. Sometimes we need to individually remind ourselves that in the scheme of things, we are in reality quite small. 


TexWisGirl said...

i consider myself blessed to have always felt that i am no better than anyone else... :)

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Sometimes when you are out there taking photos of nature you realise how small we really are in the greater sceme of things.

Lowell said...

I do believe someone once point out that relative to the universe, if you put all the world's beaches together we might possibly be as relevant as a grain of sand!

Maude Lynn said...

Very true!

Mel said...

I convince myself daily that I'm better than someone....something....

G-d does a good job of putting things/people/circumstnaces in my life to get me 'right sized' again.

This, is an awesome photo.