22 May, 2011


Southern Culture is unique at best, and while it is a bit funny; gizzards and Livers do make me quiver, but not in a good way.  Granted I tend to avoid any non pre wrapped foodstuffs sold at gas stations, not just things that make me shudder in mild disgust.


magiceye said...

:) quiver in delight or fear?!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I like liver, but hardly ever get any as the wife doesn't touch it.

Lowell said...

I agree. I quiver just thinking of liver, and gizzards are for chickens. I try not to eat anything sold where they pour gasoline! :-)

Unknown said...

I am totally with you Jacob!!!!!

Maude Lynn said...

Honestly, they're not that bad!

Mel said...

*laughing* I grew up in a household where beef tongue was considered 'sandwich meat'.


Stick with the gizzards and liver.

JUST sayin'!!!!!