15 May, 2011

Oh Look, a tree!

I get made fun of sometimes when I go on my photo taking excursions, or just anytime I have my camera with me.   The running joke is that any tree I see I exclaim “Oh Look, a tree… lemmie get my camera!”  I have grown to embrace this, as it is somewhat true.   I am not sure what exactly it is about trees that fascinate me… but the fascination is there.  And second maybe to clouds, they are a favorite subject of mine to photograph.


TexWisGirl said...

oh me too!!! they are such a beautiful, calming, awe-inspiring presence! :)

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Keep shooting your trees. They hold the wisdom of the ages.

Unknown said...

At least I am not alone!

Mel said...

Oh yeah......far from alone!

Gotta love those 'Halloweeny' looking trees.