07 May, 2011

Everything Under The Sun

Darby’s is a cute little shop in downtown Natchez, Mississippi.   It is one of those places that you can spend hours sorting through the various nick-knacks looking for gifts for EVERYONE you know.   Plus right when you walk in you are tempted with fudge that is just like your grandma would make.   It is probably the best of the “cutsie” stores that Mississippi has to offer, and with its fudge and location smack dab in historic Natchez… it really is worth a trip down. 

410 Main Street
Natchez, MS 39120
800-332-9062 or 601-446-9737
Famous Fudge


TexWisGirl said...

cultural history and sweet fudge. :)

Lowell said...

Looks so yummy! And you're a really "good" son, buying your mother sugar-free fudge!

Interesting coincidence but Lois Anne and I celebrated Mother's Day last evening and we stopped at Kilwin's Fudge in The Village...but we didn't buy fudge, we bought ice cream (with sugar!)...

Unknown said...

Well she is diabetic... I would be bad if I got her sugar.

That is a bit cool.... great minds think alike.