19 May, 2011

App for That

Ever have an itch that needed to be scratched and just could not reach it?  Well if you ever find yourself in Lucedale, Mississippi, you’ll find that you are in luck… they have an app for that!!!!   


TexWisGirl said...

too funny!

magiceye said...

:) height of specialization!

Julie said...

Two things I like about this post: the scratching pole - there is never one when you need it; and, your use of the current expression 'app' to apply more broadly than to just something computerish.

Fun thoughts ...

Lowell said...

Very funny, but are you sure this isn't for horses? Nah, horses don't carry smart phones! Do they?

Unknown said...

They would, but it is hard to type with hooves, just ask the old spice guy.

Mel said...

Now how cool is that!?!

I need one of those--mostly cuz I'd never let another human being do that for me. LOL I'm fussy that way.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...


Victoria said...

Thanks for the smiles...too cute!

JO said...
