People call it a family tree… and its branches stretch out far around the one at the bottom, you the combination of all the people above. They all move through your veins, a piece of them forever a part of you, something to give to your children, a part of you that will not become part of the ages. They may not know the details of your life, your mundane activities, and if they search, you may simply lead to questions… but you will be there, the twinkle in their eye… their dimples, you will exist.
I learned this as I have recently been tracing my family history, and like this tree, my roots are deeper in Mississippi than I ever imagined… in fact I have to go back generations to leave the state on either side of my family. Granted my roots are not in Pascagoula at the mouth of the river, but this tree and I still have much in common. And as the oil from the worst industrial disaster to ever face our area looms, I hope that this and many other coastal areas make it through un-harmed. I hope they get this under control, this world is all we have, and we need to take care of it.
beautiful post
Grant, that is profound! Thanks for sharing this and thanks for your Scripture of protection on my post last week. Have a wonderful day.
Beautiful..beautiful words and gorgeous post!
Oh no, I am praying the spill gets controlled. Lovely tree, I am a tree persona!
It is a beautiful tree...a ficus?
The oil spill is an incredible disaster; an avoidable disaster; but fomented upon us by the utter and complete greed of a totally corrupt industry that doesn't give a damn for the environment and never has, no matter how many "green" ads they place in Time magazine!
Beautiful post and nice shot !!Great Work !!Unseen Rajasthan
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