It is amazing how time flows… it seems like just yesterday we were at the dawn of a new decade, and now the year is nearly half finished. So many things change, and so fast… it never ceases to amaze me. Time to me is like a river, you can’t stop it and occasionally you hit rapids or pick up people on the banks! The Mississippi River is the most important River in the United States, and here it is flowing under the I20 and Old Hwy 80 Bridges in Vicksburg, MS.
Many of you have heard about the Tornado’s that devastated my home state last week. I would like to report that I am well, my city was not affected, however Yazoo City and surrounding areas about 30 miles north were devastated, if you would like to help please visit Here and Here.
We also have another series of storms moving in this week, hopefully nothing as severe as those last week.
Amazing shot of the river and the bridge. Glad you and your town survived the storms.
Regarding you comment on PCADP, yes you are right, things sure have changed.
This is a superb shot...and your commentary is right on! Seems like just yesterday I turned 40! Hah!
Great photograph of the beautiful bridge.
Wow..glad to hear you are ok! Sorry to hear about the tornados! Your photo is beautiful and your posts are always thought-provoking!
What a beautiful and great shot !!Simply fantastic !!
Good thing your place were spared from that violent storm but my heart is also sad to those who lost a loved ones. Hope the coming storm is not as bad as last week, will pray for that. Like your photo here and thanks for the visit I do appreciate it.
I am glad you are okay, thought of you when I heard about it!
What an awesome bridge... Now there's style!
I'm glad all is well for you and yours.
Hopefully it'll remain so.
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