17 May, 2010

Being Human

Sometimes we have to separate ourselves from the world around us. We need to shed all that holds us down, and step out into our own. We are not defined by the status quo; we are the rebels, the revolutionaries, the ones that make a difference. We rise above the others, and do our own thing… that is the essence of being human.


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I could not have said it better myself.

I better get marching : )

Lowell said...

Nice photo with nice light, but I really don't quite get your commentary...it seems to me we are one with all living things...dust we are and to dust we shall return...

Unknown said...

Well we have the ability to express ourselves in the way that other species' can not.

magiceye said...



Victoria said...

Beautifully inspiring post...I loved this one..words, image and meaning...pure beauty!

Mel said...

Absolutely perfect photo for the declaration.

Your photo? It's stunning!