28 March, 2010

Spring in the Air

The weather is changing, and aside from a few rather cool days, I feel it is safe to say that the cold is behind us. The wild onions are blooming and the other flowers and trees are following suit, spring has arrived in Mississippi! Today I spent some time with some of my adopted-family at the Ross Barnett reservoir having a picnic and enjoying the warm Mississippi sun. It was a perfect time… one of those memories that you will cherish for all time, I am lucky for the various wonderful people in my life!

A Still of the wild onions....

Scenic Sunday

Not so still....


magiceye said...


Anonymous said...

There's nothing better than seeing new life every spring.
But your climate is a bit ahead of ours.

Victoria said...

Super beautiful...just lovely!

Linnea said...

It does look like spring has arrived. Nice shots. Very sunny and serene.

cat said...

Lovely spring pictures :)

Lowell said...

It looks quite beautiful and I'm glad that you had such a good time with "family" and friends! Nothing like it, as you say!

Mel said...

Oh how beautiful next to the waters... Lucky you. Lucky them.

I wonder if we have these and I'm just lacking the knowlege.

Johnny Nutcase said...

Love the photos, especially that second one, so pretty! And I love wild onions, they smell good and look beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thank you All for your wonderful comments!