06 March, 2010

Life After People

We go through our lives not alone, many people make appearances and affect us so profoundly. No matter the short time these people spent in our lives, they made an impact, they left their mark… and that will never change. This photo was taken on my last trip to Biloxi, Mississippi in May. It was a fun day considering that someone very important had just voluntarily made an exit from my life…. They were important to me, and it took a while for me to accept and move on, but now I feel that not only am I better for having had them in my life, but I know that everything happens for a reason.


magiceye said...

well said and illustrated!

String said...

Always hard to say goodbye to certain people.

BDP said...

People come and go but they won't just go without leaving memories to remember. Have a fruitful weekend!

Lowell said...

Interesting commentary and quite appropriate to the photograph.

Friends and acquaintances cacn make a big difference in one's life...some by coming and some by going. Some we hate to see leave and with others, their leaving is a blessing.

Ultimately, though, we stand alone. With only memories.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

You are wise beyond your years. Your photo very appropriately expresses your feelings. I recently lost someone too. Hang in there.

BTW, thanks for stopping by PCADP. We use toilets here, too.

Victoria said...

Beautiful post..very wise and very touching. Great photot too!

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your wonderful comments.

Lowell said...

Good morning! In answer to your question on Ocala DP today: You betcha!