29 March, 2010


Sometimes things happen that remind you that people that are gone are still with us. I always associate Dragon Flies with a specific person who passed away in 2008, someone I have been thinking of a lot lately. So needless to say when a Dragon Fly paid a visit with me and some friends yesterday, I was very pleased and even felt at peace inside knowing that even though people are gone… a piece of them still is with you.

The last time a Dragon Fly visited… was the day that my friend left us… We miss you Loraine!


Victoria said...

Super-Beautiful! I love when those special moments happen and in the different forms they conme in!! very cool and magcial!
AWesome post! Beautiful as always!

Unknown said...

Great photographs..

String said...

Oh beautiful! Spirit in a dragonfly, such mysterious creatures!

Lowell said...

Nice macros! Lois Anne feels that the robin represents her mother and feels her mother's presence when robins are near.

Unknown said...

@Kiki Thank you!

@Naturedigital Thank you as well!

String, they really are and they are very special.

@Jacob I have a friend that keeps dimes that he finds... they remind him of his dad.

Mel said...

Great photos--and a touching piece that ties it all together and speaks to the presence of those who made a difference in our lives.....

Lillie of the valleys--the essence of my mother, every time I'm near them. I breathe her in. :-)

*ehu. said...

I looooove Dragonflies!! What a great photo!!