11 March, 2010

Common Threads

On Earth, many of us are separated by vast distances. No matter if we do not share the same dirt under our feet, no matter if we are under the same clouds, in the vast scheme of things, there are a few things that we all share, that we can all see at the same moment, countries away.

The Sun is the same sun,
The Moon is the same moon.

The Continents may be different, the stars may even be different… but no matter what, there are always common threads in us all.



Guy D said...

Wow, gorgeous shot through the trees.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

String said...

It's funny when you think about it, so many of us like the same types of photos as well, sun or moon through trees, clouds etc...

BDP said...

Indeed, we live under the same sun, under the same moon and hopefully we can live as one.

Lowell said...

It would be nice if we could close down all the barriers that separate us and realize there is but one race, the human race, and the ultimate survival of that race depends upon our realization that we are "in this together" no matter what our "differences."

Laura said...

wonderful photo and insightful words...indeed we are all connected through those invisible threads!

Sue C said...

A beautiful post, and a beautiful photo. Thank you for adding some light to the hearts of your followers.