07 January, 2010


I love bridges; they are something that I feel are some of the most wonderful parts of human architecture. They bring together what was once impassible, this is something we could learn to do on our own, as a species we have forgotten the basic lesson we learned when we were young. Unite. We have lost ourselves so many times in another unfortunate human trait… this is a trait we need to forget, one that is a scourge for all of mankind. Destroy. We have lost our way and we have succeeded in uniting the world in many ways, now we seek to isolate ourselves from one another based on differences, and we destroy many of the wonderful gifts that Earth has provided.

Yes I get all this from looking at a bridge… and it makes me sad to know that this bridge may very well have a short lifespan before it too is destroyed. It stands at the Dallas Zoo in Texas, and it was a wonderful surprise for me to see when I arrive in Dallas. I snapped several photos and was very pleased with the outcome. I am not sure what other people get when they look at a bridge, but I hope that they carry something away with what is presented here, in both word and photo.


Miss Tilney said...

I too love bridges. This is a lovely one and I hope the people in charge of its fate see its loveliness and leave it alone.

margaret said...

Sorry, was using my cat's ID! We both love bridges, she's just a little less aware of it than I am :)

Unknown said...

LOL, She may be more aware than you think!

String said...

I feel the same way about bridges. It's odd isn't it, what they spark in us?

Unknown said...

I know, are we just more open than others, or do others feel the same?

Tara said...

I do love bridges too...like you said it connects or fills in the gaps in our lives. Great photo too.

Unknown said...

Thank you Arjan!