Over a year ago, I decided to do something that I never thought I would do… Get a tattoo. I spent time looking at many designs and variations before I decided on what I wanted. At the time I knew I wanted a tribal design, but I was not sure from there what exactly I wanted. The frog is my favourite animal, I knew this, it is also my Native American totem, which is when it became obvious… I wanted a tribal frog. I then searched many places for a design I liked, and doing a random online Google Image search (Tribal Frog) I found the one below. I immediately fell in love with it, and saved it with a few other designs I had found. For six months I looked at it, trying to decide if I really wanted to go through with the process. During that time I looked at more designs, and I would delete ones in the folder that I no longer liked, soon just one remained.
I talked with a few friends about where to put it, and after much deliberation on my two requirements, (I wanted to be able to see it and I needed to be able to cover it if necessary) I decided on the top of my foot. Then on 1 May, 2009 I was riding around with my friend Jessica, and I mentioned to her my plans, and since I was present for her first tattoo, she and I decided to go get it… and we did.
Since then I have looked at the Tattoo as a visual representation of my Native American Spirit Totem, and it has become sort of a companion to me. I am really pleased with the design and I am very happy to show it off. The only thing I regret is that when I saved the image the first time, I did not think to mark the site or see who the artist I was… and I have never been able to find it again.

Beautifully designed frog. You were right to place it where no one could see it - tattoos are fashionable now, but employers really don't want to see them.
If you're covered in tattoos, it simply limits your options, not just in employment, but how you're perceived.
A foot is a perfect place to express your admiration for frogs.
What a great place to have a tattoo!! I have one of a tiger butterfly I designed....on my ankle. LOL
I love yours!!!
My Wednesday post..."Alligators in the Sewer?" is published...come see if you have a bit of time today. I'd love your visit.
HA! Love it! Fun water wednesday photo. Really like where you put it too. Think it was a well thoughtout placement.
@Wolynsky I'm glad you stopped by, since it was your comment that caused me to post this! Lol, you are right it does limit you, I do Theatre so having it totally visible would seriously limit me.... so I had to be careful.
@Anni I wanna see yours!
@Patti This was an accidental Water Wednesday post, I discovered Water Wednesday on a friends blog right after I did my post, but it fit so I edited it... Glad you like it, come back and visit!
What a perfect picture for WW. It seems like your frog buddy is trying to escape from the water. Great tattoo!
you tatoo is beautifully shaped.
The tattoo artist did well, he made a good work by imitating the original. Good for you Grant.
It makes me smile when others like my little froggie as well!
cool tattoo...
Mine's up.
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