22 January, 2010

Beautiful Day in the Bible Belt

I love this view from my backyard; it is the epitome of Mississippi… a church in every backyard! The church is the First Baptist Church of Pearl, it is a medium sized church, on any given Sunday or Wednesday the parking lot is filled with worshippers from miles around. The empty lot next to it, directly behind me, holds a single lonely tree. It has always been a favourite of mine to photograph for years... although usually it has leaves on it.

This is also my inaugural post for sky watch… the sky today in Pearl, Mississippi is clear and crisp blue, as you can see from my photo. I am very excited to be a part of this, and I hope to be a regular poster.



Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The sky really pops against the red church (or is it the other way around?). Nice to see the bright blue this time of year.

Unknown said...

The last two days in Mississippi have been warm and really pretty... it is a false spring.

Tara said...

Magnificent shot and the church looks so neat.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bodhi, I could shoot buildings from many different angles... I love buildings.

Tara said...

That is very pleasing to the eyes Grant, I love this shot.

Unknown said...

It means a lot to me that y'all enjoy my work.

BDP said...

a place of solitude for me...

Jo said...

Welcome to SWF! Your church building an the tree show up beautifully against the blue sky. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm adding myself as a follower to yours.

String said...

Lovely shot! Such a difference from there to here!

Unknown said...

@Jo Thank you!, I loved your blog as well!

@asm There are many places in the area that are wonderful places to just sit... and think. I think that is a bonus to living in a place that is mostly rural.

@String, I would give my eye teeth to be there.