A friend once told me that once a mate, a mate forever. I believe that whole heartedly, friends are a rare commodity, and should be honored and cherished. I am very lucky for the friends that I do have in my life, and I know that friends do come into your life, and they do occasionally drift out… but they will always remain in your heart.
This same friend painted this Aboriginal art, it signifies her home country of Australia…

Aww shucks! You're a sweet friend. :) *HUGS*
Now, if your next post has a pic in it from my house, I'll have what we Aussies call a 'hat trick' :) hehehe
Wow that's beautiful. Obviously a talented 'mate'.
<-- can't draw a stick person to save her life! ;-)
But I do believe as your friend. I have a great 'heart tapestry'--guess I've been graced with that, eh?
What a lovely bit of art work! Some friends stay with you over time and some seem to be 'time' friends (at least in my exp).
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