For the past eight years the country of my birth has been in the deep darkness of a regime that has been unpopular and detrimental. The lies and hatred that the last eight years has spread throughout the nation like a cancer, and it has even spread into other countries. It would be conceited of me to think that America has a direct impact on every country, but I do know that every country impacts one another, we are all in this together… what happens to the U.S. will have a ripple affect, just as if what happens to France, Australia, India, Britain, etc will also have an equal effect on the rest of the world. Today History was made in my country, and our country is filled with hope for President Obama… a hope for change… a hope that he can lead us out of the darkness and into the light. I sincerely wish him the best, and I hope that he can lead with nobility and honor that our country has been lacking…
“The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep... But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.”
~President Barack Obama
Yes, it will be interesting to see if he can make the changes necessary to shift the negative perspective of Americans in the world.
I'm looking forward to a new way of doing things.....
I sincerely hope that he can live up to the high expecations that everyone has for him.
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