The King Edward Hotel used to be one of the crown jewels of Jackson, Mississippi… that is until it closed in the 60’s, it has since remained closed. This relic of the heyday when Jackson was a bustling town, as sat falling apart since then, becoming an eyesore and home to drugs, prostitutes, and many others. There have been many plans to rebuild or demolish it, me personally I wanted it rebuilt… there is something about it. Finally last year several companies and our own favorite son Deuce McAlister started renovations. I’m not exactly sure what it will be, but I know anything is better than the pigeon home that has rotted in our back yard for forty years.
The King Edward will emerge in 2009 as a mixed-use project with a Hilton Garden Hotel (186 rooms), apartments, restaurants, shops and a restored lobby and ballroom. David Watkins of Jackson is working with Deuce McAllister and HRI of New Orleans to see that the King Edward is restored beautifully. I can't wait to see it.
I can not wait either, I am totally excited!!!!
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