18 March, 2008


Sadly, and at the same time thankfully Mame is over… and it was a great show. It had its rocky moments, and trials and tribulations… but I would not have given anything for it!!!! Cynthia Stuart was a wonderful Mame, and the cast was a wonderful cast… and I personally was honored to have a chance to discover just how far I can take my abilities. I have gained confidence in areas I needed it… and I have made many new friends, and built up ones that I made during Who Killed Aunt Caroline, It was wonderful.

This is a teaser poster I came up with for Mame, nothing big, just Cynthia Stuart as the title character. Cynthia is such a talented sweet lady; it was wonderful playing her nephew!!! Oh I did come up with a photo Montage ….

1 comment:

Lori Wyont said...

The show was GREAT!!!!! I really enjoyed it. You all did a wonderful job.