03 February, 2008

Building a Life

It is slowly coming together!!! Set construction for Mame has proven to be an interesting task, such as a movable winding staircase. Not to mention all the other fun set pieces that will be employed during production. I’m really having fun with this play, and I am so very glad that I got involved with the Theatre.

Friendships are what it is all about; family is always there, and they are usually biased. But friends are the people that you can count on for that un-related biased attitude, and usually the straight forward truth! Building a good friendship is a lot like building a flight of stairs, you have to start from the ground, and work your way up. And not only then but when you think you are finished, you have to walk up those very stairs. It’s not easy, but in the long run it’s worth it.

I have been very lucky to have gained a wonderful group of friend since I came back to Jackson, and I owe that to my participation in the Black Rose Theatre!!! I <3 You Guys!!!!

(This photo shows Adam and Amanda working hard on the wonderful staircase. )


Anonymous said...

It sounds really creative. God on you for taking the initiative and becoming involved.

Halcyon said...

Can I be your friend? :-D

Unknown said...

You are one of the friends I was talking about Hal!!!!

Clarice I love the Theatre, I am going to stay involved with it as much as possible.. its addicting!