Well yesterday I was not feeling well… so I was in bed listening to the rain and thunder… Suddenly the wind changed and came in a lot harder, it really sounded like someone was hitting my window, right above my head… so I got up and looked out, I could see nothing and it looked like things were flying through the air… and then there was the siren, and the power outage. I got up and went out in the back yard... I could see nothing, but rain and so I came into the office where my room-mates dad was, and told him that I didn’t think we were safe… he agreed… at about that time there was a loud noise. (A stack blew off the roof).
After it was all over, turns out that a F1 Tornado Touched down and went through the city and caused some minor damage, no one was injured… but there was an eye witness that said that the funnel did in fact go over my house… So we had a Tornado in Pearl…

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