12 February, 2025

Fire in the Sky


CARMEN said...

Happy WW 🤗

catsynth said...

Beautiful sunset images. Vibrant colors!

CosmicGrant said...

Happy WW! :-)

CosmicGrant said...

Thank you, seeing it in person was breathtaking. The pictures don't do it justice.

Alana said...

What dramatic sky pictures these are, especially the first one.

roentare said...

The colours are very lovely

CosmicGrant said...

Thank you. They were taken close together too; its amazing how fast the sky can change.

CosmicGrant said...

thank you.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Wow! The first pic is really amazing!

Keith's Ramblings said...

Absolutely incredible!

CosmicGrant said...

Thank you.

CosmicGrant said...

Thank you.