14 June, 2021

The Kangaroo


Back in 2010; my mother went through a trauma.   She lost her leg. 

We were chatting in the hospital and she said she had to hop around now.  She wasn’t looking forward to it.  I said she would have kangaroo as her new spirit animal.

This got me a look that would have killed me dead. 

I explained;  The kangaroo can only hop forward… they can’t go backwards.  That is what she has to do; move forward… and she would not do it alone.  Later, I drew this design for her similar to my frog tattoo.  

She has been gone 7 years.   When I see this image… it reminds me to move forward… and forever the kangaroo reminds me of my mom. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

👍 So true. Keep moving forward.