03 November, 2017

Enduring Horizon

(The links in this post all link to relevant previous blog posts, don’t be afraid to click.)

Ten years, it is amazing to me that I started this blog all the way back in 2007 when I was searching for a way to define myself.    I started with a selfie back in my first post, so I thought it was only fitting that I do the same for the 10th Anniversary post.  All the way back then I saw people with blogs that showcased their photos of the world around them and I wanted to do the same… but not.   And that is when my blog started to form into something not as structured… I write about anything and everything from art to my poetry… sometimes relevant to the photo, sometimes how the photo makes me feel and sometimes I write nothing at all.  The way I see it, people can make what they want of it.

When I started the blog I called it the Uncertain Horizon.  The horizon representing the future and how nothing is certain and yet we still march towards it.  Recently though, I changed the name to Enduring Horizon.  With the Losses I have seen over the last ten years as well as the blessings.  The places I have lived beginning In Mississippi, then Florida, North Carolina, and finally Texas.  As well as the places I have visited from the United Kingdom to Vietnam.  I have grown to feel that the goal isn’t to march as much as it is to endure.  We must take the bad with the blessings as they all enrich our lives.

1 comment:

HolisticFox said...

Wow - it's been going a while now! What you share is wondrous, beautiful, amazing - I love it. Keep sharing!