28 September, 2017

Yellow Plane

One of my favorite radio programs is the BBC presentation called, Cabin Pressure.   If you have never listened and enjoy a good laugh you should check it out.   One of the characters claims that everyone is always playing a game called, “yellow car,”  the winner is the one who sees the most yellow cars during the trip.   Obviously, he has never seen a Spirit Airlines plane…  so…


Yellow Plane!

 Plane trumps car.

I win.


Lowell said...

Are all Spirit planes painted yellow. I guess that makes them easier to see in bad weather. We used to play games like "Yellow Car," when traveling. I think my parents invented them to keep my sister and I busy so we wouldn't fight and complain. But we'd count horses or certain types of cars, or license plates from one state of another.

You won. What did you win? :)

Lowell said...

Are all Spirit planes painted yellow. I guess that makes them easier to see in bad weather. We used to play games like "Yellow Car," when traveling. I think my parents invented them to keep my sister and I busy so we wouldn't fight and complain. But we'd count horses or certain types of cars, or license plates from one state of another.

You won. What did you win? :)

CosmicGrant said...

I haven't figured that one out yet.

Bill said...

I think that Northeast Airlines used to be called Yellowbird and then they merged with another airline. I always like the colour of their planes, so different. I haven't seen a yellow plane until your photo. Nice shot and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.