31 January, 2013


Sitting behind the house of a friend just outside Greensboro, NC is a relic… a relic of a time gone by.  This old school bus sits protecting not children but firewood from the rain.  When I first saw it I was mesmerized… it was something different, with a beauty all it’s own. 


Mel said...

Oh, that's a lovely bus--and oh, the stories it could tell. Well spotted and well captured, sir!

Jo said...

That is nostalgia at it's most poignant, Grant. Hope you're keeping well. Regards Jo

Lowell said...

Interesting, for sure. But one of these days it's just gonna rust away and the firewood's gonna get wet! ;-)

Super capture!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I agree with Lowell, but it is a great shot, rust and all.