13 July, 2012

Casting Crowns

Sometimes we fall and we lose what we thought was so dear and soon we have to find our way back to a place where we are comfortable.  Sometimes we find that what we lost wasn’t so great and we shrug it off and we rise above it and we find something so much better.

(About the Photo:  Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was the wife of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland and she is who the city of Charlotte, NC was named for.   This statue that appears outside Charlotte-Douglas International Airport (CLT) appears to have her casting away her crown symbolically as the city itself once cast away its ties to Great Britain in the American War of Independence. )


TexWisGirl said...

an interesting sculpture and provocative take on it.

(yes, that was a water moccasin in my post. we get a lot of them here.)

Lowell said...

Loss is difficult. The larger the loss the more difficult. Sometimes we're not aware of how much something/someone means to us until that thing/person is lost to us.

Interesting commentary sculpture and commentary!