13 November, 2011

Figuring It Out

So, I came across where a stream meets the ocean. Though the sand looked solid through the water, I lifted my pants legs and stepped in to cross. No! the sand and water bogged me to my knees, so I had to backtrack and find another way around. Now I am at the other side a little sandier and wetter... And a bit cold. But I made it. Now to do this on a larger scale.


Jo said...

I love that huge log of driftood Grant. Glad you made it safely across. Blessings Jo

TexWisGirl said...

a beautiful photo. and a nice analogy to coming to problems in life. :)

Mel said...

I love that you 'get' that simple lesson in the larger scale.
And I love the photo you were able to get for the dare to DO it.