09 September, 2011

A Rose

Love is a lot like a rose.   So beautiful and sweet, and so fragile that it needs to be kept safe by thorns.   Too often we allow our love to be displayed for the world, and soon we are left with just a fragment of the beauty that once was.  Perhaps we should keep our love bound to us and safe from the torment that the world can provide… safe just for our own enjoyment… that is the safe way.     No… Perhaps I am wrong, maybe the best thing to do is to make it able to stand the tests of time, only then will it forever be just as beautiful as it was the day it first sprouted.  


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I like the perspective of you shot. Happy Saturday.

TexWisGirl said...

love, by its very nature, must be both felt and shared to be love at all. sadly, the heartbreak that sometimes comes with it can make us hide behind our walls...