My mom surprised me today with an early birthday present; needless to say it is one of the best cakes for my personality. It is vanilla chocolate swirl with butter cream icing. I’d offer a piece, but I can’t guarantee that it would survive being posted.
31 May, 2011
29 May, 2011
Alligator mississippiensis
These creatures haunt our swimming holes and our dreams they are frightening, fascinating, and interesting. The American Alligator is one of the biggest predators in the area, and they are common in my neck of the woods, thank goodness this one was behind the glass at the Mississippi Natural Science Museum.
28 May, 2011
Stand Out
Sometimes it is good to stand out and just let yourself shine.
Sometimes it is necessary to do this to feel like you are someone.
Because no matter how you feel, you are someone.
And that is why you are beautiful.
So stand out…
And just be yourself!
In Honor
Sherman, TX
Monday is Memorial Day, a day to remember those that gave their lives in honor of this country of ours. We must honor them and never forget the sacrifice that they gave us, and we must not forget the men and women currently sacrificing everyday for our country. We do however tend to forget the foreigners that gave their lives for our values, let us also honor the men and women who gave their lives for our country, though it was not their country to serve
These memorials are from different places… though they are all similar they all share a common status, they honor men and women who gave their lives in the armed forces of various different wars and battles.
Meridian, MS
Brandon, MS
Natchez, MS
27 May, 2011
Weeping Dixie
Clouds are harbingers of rain and storms and much to often recently in the area I call my home, the southern USA otherwise known as “Dixie ,” clouds have been the bringer of Death. Cities like Joplin , MO all the Way to Alabama and many places in between. Even Jackson , MS has been hit by a Tornado this year. It is a very horrific situation that such beautiful clouds can cause so much pain and destruction to so many. My thoughts are with those who have lost homes and loved ones in the Tornados and the current Flooding that is still devastating so many.
If you would like to help, please donate to your local RedCross or in the US text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.
This beautiful sky was photographed yesterday at Jackson-Evers International Airport (JAN.)
26 May, 2011
True Wealth
I am lucky to have people in my life that have been there since the very early days. People say friends come and go, but I have learned that more often than not friends just grow into family. I am very blessed to be able to say this about the people in my life, as I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have so many people that were not born into my family but are just as much my family as those that were. That is true wealth.
The photo is one of these friends that I speak of, this is Sharissa Sakcriska, I have known her my entire life.
24 May, 2011
Trolling Along
At first glance it is ugly, or perhaps a bit scary. On second glance it is something more, something cheerful and even a bit beautiful; perhaps something we could be friends with. We forget these things as we go through our lives, so quick to judge without even a second thought. This is a failing that I admit that I have, do you? It is something that we should all work to fix, after all there is much more to life than what we see at first.
22 May, 2011
Southern Culture is unique at best, and while it is a bit funny; gizzards and Livers do make me quiver, but not in a good way. Granted I tend to avoid any non pre wrapped foodstuffs sold at gas stations, not just things that make me shudder in mild disgust.
21 May, 2011
Hotel Art
Hotels tend to be the depository of most modern art, well the upper scale ones anyway. I always find it interesting when I visit at what I find. This particular sculpture can be found in the Embassy Suites at Highland Colony in Ridgeland. I wonder what the artist had in mind when he created this piece, or what it is supposed to be. I imagine depending on where you are standing it could be many things.
20 May, 2011
19 May, 2011
App for That
Ever have an itch that needed to be scratched and just could not reach it? Well if you ever find yourself in Lucedale , Mississippi , you’ll find that you are in luck… they have an app for that!!!!
18 May, 2011
Echo Un-Silenced
The battle of Vicksburg was one of the most important strategic battles of the American Civil War. After the battle, the dead counted; the horrors of war cleaned away, the loss on both ends was staggering. At the urging of the federal government, and the creation of the Vicksburg National Military Park the battlefield became a memorial. Each state that had soldiers lost in the battle commissioned a memorial or memorials, all are grand in scale… but few compare to the Illinois memorial, created to mirror the Parthenon in Greece.
17 May, 2011
When all is said and done, and everyone goes their separate ways we are left with memories. Photos fade or get lost and details may slip into the creases of our minds never to be found, but it is really all that we have. We may think of memories as intangible, but they are as tangible as anything else that we have… and we need to hold onto them for they are worth more than all the money on the planet.
16 May, 2011
Shining Star
Every family has a shining star, someone that stands out and works to keep the family together. My family has been lucky to have been blessed with more than one of these stars, and My Great-Aunt Frances Anderson was one of these that shown as bright as the stars in all the sky. She was responsible for so many wonderful gatherings that united immediate and extended family. She was there with my grandmother and me during a dark period in both of our lives, and accepted me no matter who I was. On more than one occasion taught me that people will love me no matter what… or how different I am. My family lost this wonderful person last night, but we each gained another guardian angel. While our hearts grieve for her no longer being here with us, for the games of Phase 10 that will never occur… or the songs sung. We know that she will be in our hearts, in the smiles that we see, and in the love we have for one another. Though she will be missed, we will always feel the love she gave us and we will always love her.
Frances Eley Anderson, 79, died Monday, May 16, 2011 at Crossgates River Oaks Hospital. Funeral services are 2:00pm Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at Bethel Baptist Church in Brandon with interment in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends 12:00-2:00pm Wednesday at the church.
Mrs. Anderson was an active member of Bethel Baptist Church and the Red Hatters of Pearl, as well as a member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
Survivors include her husband of 60 years, J.W. "Andy" Anderson, Jr.; son, Dale Anderson (Libby); grandchildren, Jennifer Layton O'Neal (David) and Walter Dale Anderson, Jr.; great-grandson, Thomas Maguire; brother, Henry Hawthorne; and sisters, Louise Wixson, Sarah Haskins, Annette Creel, Betty Dulworth, Clara Reid and Margaret Hawthorne. (from: obits)
Frances Eley Anderson, 79, died Monday, May 16, 2011 at Crossgates River Oaks Hospital. Funeral services are 2:00pm Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at Bethel Baptist Church in Brandon with interment in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends 12:00-2:00pm Wednesday at the church.
Mrs. Anderson was an active member of Bethel Baptist Church and the Red Hatters of Pearl, as well as a member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
Survivors include her husband of 60 years, J.W. "Andy" Anderson, Jr.; son, Dale Anderson (Libby); grandchildren, Jennifer Layton O'Neal (David) and Walter Dale Anderson, Jr.; great-grandson, Thomas Maguire; brother, Henry Hawthorne; and sisters, Louise Wixson, Sarah Haskins, Annette Creel, Betty Dulworth, Clara Reid and Margaret Hawthorne. (from: obits)
I know the journey is clear.
For the journey I’m on is like no other,
so I know I must go further.
Do not weep for me my loved ones true,
for I will always be with you.
Although you could not go with me,
now my heart is filled with glee.
But in your hearts I will dwell,
and that will do you well.
And I will see you from above,
not unlike a passing dove.
I hope to see you smile,
as you go another mile.
But to you it may seem odd,
that I am now with my God.
Gothic Tone
The Lamar building in downtown is one of the more interesting buildings in downtown Jackson . The gargoyles are what make it unique, and add a gothic feel that most buildings in Jackson lack.
For more monochrome fun, click here....
15 May, 2011
Oh Look, a tree!
I get made fun of sometimes when I go on my photo taking excursions, or just anytime I have my camera with me. The running joke is that any tree I see I exclaim “Oh Look, a tree… lemmie get my camera!” I have grown to embrace this, as it is somewhat true. I am not sure what exactly it is about trees that fascinate me… but the fascination is there. And second maybe to clouds, they are a favorite subject of mine to photograph.
14 May, 2011
Free, Like a Butterfly
Sometimes I wish I was as free as a butterfly,
I wouldn’t know what to do.
Maybe I would glide from flower to flower,
Or bask in the warm sun.
I do not know a reason why,
But sometimes when I am feeling blue.
I wish I had the power,
Away I wish I could run.
Above and beyond without even a try,
To a place that is true.
Above all others I would tower,
Only then my journey done.
Sometimes I wish I was as free as a butterfly,
Sometimes I wish I was as free as a butterfly,
I wouldn’t know what to do.
Maybe I would glide from flower to flower,
Or bask in the warm sun.
13 May, 2011
Under the Sea
These fascinating creatures are made of iron and blown glass; they were part of a display at Boston-Logan Airport (BOS) and captured my eye and imagination. I would never have the patience to come up with something quite like this, but it was very beautiful. It amazes me what people can do when they get the creative urge.
Many creatures reside under the waves, they can be both terrifying and beautiful… sometimes a strange combination of the two. It has been a year since the horrific BP Oil Spill, and while we still have a long way to go before disasters like that can be avoided we still need to remember to care for our oceans and our planet in general. No matter our race, gender, or even our species, we are all on this planet together and we need to take care of each other.
Pearl Flag
I personally created this flag when I noticed that the current flag for my hometown is not flown prominently. I also wanted to design a flag that was deep in symbolism for the city rather than having a generic city flag with the city seal, this way Pearl , Mississippi can have a flag that rivals that of most cities within the state, one that we can all be proud of. I submitted this for the consideration of the Mayor and the city Council, about a year ago and but have yet to hear anything. Below is further explanation of the symbolism behind the flag.
The colors of the flag are Pearl ’s traditional Blue and Gold.
The Canton is based on the Bonnie Blue flag that was one of the early flags flown in Mississippi when it was part of West Florida . The Bonnie Blue Flag was also used as the Canton in the Original, “Magnolia Flag,” that flew over the State of Mississippi until 1894. Its inclusion is showing that the City of Pearl has a foothold in the history of the state. The single gold star on the blue field shows that pearl is definitely a golden point within Mississippi ’s history, and Pearl will continue to enrich the state.
I chose the non-traditional stripe pattern Alternating blue, gold, and white to differentiate the flag from both the Mississippi State Flag and the National Flag to show that Pearl is a city making its own future; it does however retain 13-Stripes to honor the original 13 colonies of the Untied States. The striping is also similar to the blue and gold stripes currently in use on Pearl PD police interceptors.
10 May, 2011
USS Cairo
The USS Cairo was an ironclad union warship that patrolled the rivers and waters of the confederacy during the American Civil War. The ship was patrolling the waters of the Yazoo River in Mississippi when it struck a confederate mine. The Cairo disappeared below the smooth flowing waters of the Yazoo River with no loss of life. It was rediscovered and recovered in 1965 and later transferred to the National Park Service and put on public display at the Vicksburg National Military Museum for all to see and experience a piece of history first hand.
09 May, 2011
Higher Love
one that all others can not compare.
I believe it is one that can rise above,
a love that is true and fair.
Higher love will come to me,
perhaps only in a dream.
Either way it will set me free,and false love it will redeem.
I know in my heart it does exist,
and it is something that I will find.
When I do it I will be unable to resist,
for it will be a love unlike any kind.
So until then I sit and wait,
for a love truly great.
Itsy Bitsy Spider
08 May, 2011
Rubber Ducky
I am not too sure what the story behind this display that was in a store window in downtown Natchez yesterday. I just know that it seemed a bit quirky (well quacky) and it caught my eye. I really enjoy things like this; sometimes being quirky is a good thing. Some people might even consider me quirky, but I prefer “eccentric...” I like big words.
07 May, 2011
Everything Under The Sun
Darby’s is a cute little shop in downtown Natchez , Mississippi . It is one of those places that you can spend hours sorting through the various nick-knacks looking for gifts for EVERYONE you know. Plus right when you walk in you are tempted with fudge that is just like your grandma would make. It is probably the best of the “cutsie” stores that Mississippi has to offer, and with its fudge and location smack dab in historic Natchez … it really is worth a trip down.
800-332-9062 or 601-446-9737
Famous Fudge
06 May, 2011
Flying High
When I was little, I always dreamed of flying… much like Peter Pan. I never imagined the real thrill of being in a plane miles above the Earth, looking down at the clouds below you. It is a very surreal experience, and I never get tired of being in a plane, and looking out at the wonder below me.
This photo was taken somewhere between DFW (Dallas , TX ) and ORF (Norfolk , VA ); the sun was just rising, and the colors from the light hitting the cloud layer was mesmerizing. Somehow, it just isn’t the same when viewed from the ground.
05 May, 2011
Head to the Horizon
“The scent of magic,
the beauty that's been when love was wilder than the wind.”
I know that it is on its way, I can feel it deep down in me all the way into the core.
“Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide”
I know that it is the reason that I am compelled to better myself, but I am sure of exactly what it is, all I know is that I need to do something to prepare for it. Ever have a feeling like that where you know something is on its way, you don’t know what, or When it will arrive, but you going to get ready for it anyway? But as always I arrive to the same conclusion.
“Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see”
And I will wait for whatever it is that is coming, and I will prepare and be ready for it when it does, because something tells me that it will be worth it when it arrives.
(Flashback... Originally Written AUG. 24th,2005 at 9:45 AM)
I thought it would be fun to revisit an old journal entry, when I originally wrote this I had no clue to the adventures that lay before me. Now I know that there are more adventures to be had, some (like the cactus flower above) right in my own back yard. Here is to a bright future! The songs quoted are Roxette "Listen to your Heart," and "Que Sera," written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans.
Pearl, MS, USA
The Wind Done Gone...
Prior to the civil war, and even a bit after the war itself, this was a home. Hard to believe now, as it could easily be from Athens or Rome if only for the columns, but this is in Port Gibson , Mississippi . This state was once full of beautiful homes, seemingly right out of Gone With the Wind, but the reality is that it is just that… gone with the wind.
I took this photo with an actual film using camera many years ago. It was the first time and currently the last time that I saw these iconic columns rising from the surrounding nothingness. I was mesmerized at the size, I had until that point seen just photos and the sheer magnitude of the columns made me wonder how beautiful the house once was.
04 May, 2011
I don’t remember the name of the city where I took this photo. I just remember that I was about an hour into a 7 and a half hour journey through Texas , Louisiana , and Mississippi . I remember passing through this small Texan town, and this building caught my eye; not sure why I liked it so much, but I had to take a photo.
03 May, 2011
02 May, 2011
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me…
Back on 3 November, 2007 when I first created this blog after being inspired by a friend of mine. I never knew I would still be doing it for so many years, it just never occurred to me. I remember when I was still coming up with the concept for the Uncertain Horizon, I knew I wanted to include photos and make it different from any blog I have maintained in the past. I wanted it to be personal, but I wanted to write about how the photos made me feel… and sometimes the photos make me feel completely different from what is actually in the photo, and in more recent times I have taken to some of the many “Day Meme’s” that exist, and have experimented with them. I also know that from My very first post (3 November, 2007,) all the way to 26 January,2009 my photo’s mostly came from my Samsung Sync phone, and since then it has been maintained with my Sony Cybershot with a sprinkling of photos from my phones since.
This photo was actually taken with my Blackberry Curve; it was of a small photo that I found on the road. I think it really symbolizes the reason that this blog was centered around photos to begin with. You see, when I was about 10 years of age I went to a flea market and found several family photo albums from an estate sale. I had no idea who the people were, but I found it very interesting, these were moments in these people’s lives, moments captured forever. However while it was very sad that a family lost these captured moments, I was inspired to capture my own moments, and from that moment on I loved photos intensely. And while I have no idea how this small piece of a photo found it’s way onto the street, or who the people are in it… or who took it originally… I find it fascinating, and mesmerizing.
Pearl, MS, USA
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