28 April, 2011


Hands are what make us unique, yes other creatures have them… but it is uncertain if they hold the same sentiments that humans place in them.   They symbolize so many things about us, we use them to grasp and hold onto things that mean so much to us.   We place in them the very characteristics of those we love… they become those we love and can be characters unto themselves.


Lowell said...

All true but I think I'd have to add that the real uniqueness comes with our opposable thumbs...they allow us to do things other critters can't do.

I've got to hand it to you, though, 'cause it's a nice post! :-)

*ehu. said...

I remember my grandmother's hands and how they looked. I often wondered what her hands looked like when she was younger. Because of this, I always felt compelled to take a picture of my hands now so I can remember them when I'm older. But I don't want to be old and long for the days when my hands were firm and not wrinkled. So I'll just bypass the idea and enjoy my hands with every age of life. :) Lovely post.

Julie said...

Yes, these are lovely shots of your hands, UH. Over the years, I have posted quite a few times on hands, especially older ones. I agree with your sentiments here.

Now what is your today's post about ....