21 February, 2010


As we grow older we believe that to find things of beauty, we have to leave home. There is so much beauty in the world outside our home, but it is not home. That is not true, we just have to stop and look… it is there. Just like this, today in my back yard… a honey bee takes pollen and nectar from a wild flower. I have no idea what kind of flower it is, it is really common, but I have no idea what it is. All I know is that it has the tiny purple flowers, and the stalks are slightly maroon.

[Edit:  The plant in question is Dead Nettle.]

Scenic Sunday


Jo said...

What a pretty wildflower. And well done on capturing the bee. Nice shot.

Melodygem's World said...

I have only one word to say...Beautiful!!!

My Hand-Made Crystals said...

I love your picture, it's interesting...

cat said...

That is a very nice photo. Beautiful flowers and a pretty little bee:)

Unknown said...

I am pleased you all enjoy my photo.

Noel Morata said...

i love your closeup shot...very nice

String said...

Humm does it smell good that flower? Wonder what it is?

Unknown said...

@string it is really small, and does not have much of a scent that I can tell. it is pretty though.

Thank you noel.

Sue C said...
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Sue C said...

A very lovely photo - the little bee is so endearing. Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture.