29 January, 2010

The Mississippi

Anytime you fly out of Jackson, Mississippi (JAN) on American Eagle Airlines, you go to Dallas, Texas (DFW). In order to do this you fly over one of the greatest, if not the greatest river in North America… the Mississippi River. I remember seeing it when flying to DFW the first time, I was a little crest fallen… I expected something a little grander. And then I realised that you see the Mississippi River, and you do not see many other rivers from that height, so that gave me a clue to its size. Now I look forward to seeing it when I fly, almost like saying hello to an old friend.

Looking to the Sky

One of the greatest thrills is air travel. No matter how many times you do it, when you look out that window and see the Earth below you, the beauty is astonishing. All types of air machines fascinate me; no matter if it is a plane or a helicopter and everything in between, to be up in the air with the birds is something I love to do. Granted in this photo the plane is definitely on the ground, but the sky is calling.


28 January, 2010

Magickal Moon

The moon is one of the gifts that the people of the earth are blessed with. One of the best things to do is to ponder the moon and stars on a clear night… and just look. However tonight the sky is not clear and the moon is shining her beautiful light through a thin blanket of clouds. I love nights like this just as well, the clouds offer something new to ponder, something just as magickal and all too wonderful. Even better is on a dark night when the moon is a waxing or waning crescent and the stars shine through the holes in the clouds… Absolutely peaceful.

27 January, 2010

We Are One

My state and country has a sad history of ignorance and racism. I am not proud of this portion of history, it is a sad fact that many of us still deal with in many ways. I have seen the racism of my own race, and I have experienced racism of other races. I will never understand the hatred that people can have for each other, and how one can think of other humans as inferior… this kind of thought escapes me. I once read that scientists believe that every human on the planet is at least 50th cousins to each other human on the planet. I like this, it means that if we all want to be or not, we are one family… we need to start acting like it. We need to learn to put differences aside, and past history into the past, and we need to move forward together.

Medgar Evers understood the complete stupidity of racism. Men like Medgar Evers stood against the United States and the specific states that supported legal racism. He lost his life, but he did not die in vain, he achieved true acceptance for his people… and an honoured place among the great men in History.

However his fight lives on; just as the fight of Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Emmett Till, and Martin Luther King, Jr, will never die as long as racism and hate lives on in the world.

"When you hate, the only one that
suffers is you because most of
the people you hate don't know
it and the rest don't care."

~Medgar Evers

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

(The photos are from the Medgar Evers Pavilion at the Jackson-Evers International Airport.)

Constant Companion

Over a year ago, I decided to do something that I never thought I would do… Get a tattoo. I spent time looking at many designs and variations before I decided on what I wanted. At the time I knew I wanted a tribal design, but I was not sure from there what exactly I wanted. The frog is my favourite animal, I knew this, it is also my Native American totem, which is when it became obvious… I wanted a tribal frog. I then searched many places for a design I liked, and doing a random online Google Image search (Tribal Frog) I found the one below. I immediately fell in love with it, and saved it with a few other designs I had found. For six months I looked at it, trying to decide if I really wanted to go through with the process. During that time I looked at more designs, and I would delete ones in the folder that I no longer liked, soon just one remained.

I talked with a few friends about where to put it, and after much deliberation on my two requirements, (I wanted to be able to see it and I needed to be able to cover it if necessary) I decided on the top of my foot. Then on 1 May, 2009 I was riding around with my friend Jessica, and I mentioned to her my plans, and since I was present for her first tattoo, she and I decided to go get it… and we did.

Since then I have looked at the Tattoo as a visual representation of my Native American Spirit Totem, and it has become sort of a companion to me. I am really pleased with the design and I am very happy to show it off. The only thing I regret is that when I saved the image the first time, I did not think to mark the site or see who the artist I was… and I have never been able to find it again.


26 January, 2010


My world is filled with frogs, and I am not kidding. I have frog everything, including a pet Golden Tree Frog named Georgia… and a tribal frog tattoo on the top of my foot. This particular frog or toad, depending on your point of view, came from my great grandmother when I was really young. She had it for many years, so it means a lot to me. It has a space on the inside where it once held a light; the light would illuminate the marbles imbedded in the frog itself. I have never seen another one in my life, and I feel blessed to have this one.

For looks into the world of others please visit: My World: Tuesday

24 January, 2010

Mississippi Kudzu

Kudzu was brought to the United States, from Japan, in the twentieth century, as a public solution to erosion. It soon grew into a nuisance that swallows entire fields, and anything that happens to lie in its path. This is the view looking down from a hillside in Meridian Mississippi, the kudzu is enveloping everything… while it is rather pretty to look at, we must remember the danger this vine poses to our natural ecology.

Scenic Sunday

23 January, 2010

Shadows of the Past

Most people see cemeteries is a place to avoid, it is a place of death and sadness; the final resting place of those before us. Back in October a few friends and I took a trip to Rocky Springs, Mississippi. Rocky Springs was at one time a thriving community outside of Port Gibson, Mississippi. Through the years the toll of disease and war eventually left the city abandoned, with only safes and cisterns in a grove of trees marking where buildings once stood. The Rocky Springs Church with it’s lonely cemetery is all that remains from this town, the cemetery holding the last, and only inhabitants of a bygone past. I find solace in places like this, it is a place of quiet and beauty… a place to be respected.

22 January, 2010

Beautiful Day in the Bible Belt

I love this view from my backyard; it is the epitome of Mississippi… a church in every backyard! The church is the First Baptist Church of Pearl, it is a medium sized church, on any given Sunday or Wednesday the parking lot is filled with worshippers from miles around. The empty lot next to it, directly behind me, holds a single lonely tree. It has always been a favourite of mine to photograph for years... although usually it has leaves on it.

This is also my inaugural post for sky watch… the sky today in Pearl, Mississippi is clear and crisp blue, as you can see from my photo. I am very excited to be a part of this, and I hope to be a regular poster.


21 January, 2010


Jackson does not have a large downtown area; it lacks the huge buildings that many other cities have. It does have a few semi-tall buildings though, and the tallest is the Regions Building. This view is that of the downtown Marriot hotel reflecting into the side of the Regions Building, it was one of those moments that I realized was just too perfect to miss out on. When I see it, it reminds me that no matter how you think of something, (Jackson is usually looked down on for being run-down and crime infested.) There is beauty, and I know that with the many restorations downtown, others will see the beauty that exists in our Capitol. And maybe, they can see themselves in a new light as well, if we can change the perception of Jackson, then we can change the perception of ourselves.

20 January, 2010

Rue Bourbon

New Orleans is the southern city of sin, and I mean that in a loving way. Why there are many tourist destinations in the city, from the Audubon Zoo and Aquarium of the Americas, this is the one that most remember and love the most. With it’s many clubs covering a Varity of types of people and tastes, to its world class drinks and shops. Bourbon Street offers it all, usually at night when the centre of the French Quarter nightlife comes to life, and people walk in mass down this wonderful slice of beautiful sin.

Holding on with Both Hands...

I had just finished a ~5 mile walk, and I lay down in my back yard today. And I looked up at the tree, and this is exactly what I saw. I was so moved by this, I went to get my camera to take this photo. I don’t know why, but this tree reminded me of myself, and the decisions I have made… and continue to make. And although at the moment I feel that I am trapped in a world I can not change, I know that that is untrue, that I will find my way out… and I will be happy. I just have to keep walking, and keep looking for inspiration. And work hard to make my world a different place… from there anything is possible. I got this from laying in my back yard on a trampoline, and looking at a tree.

19 January, 2010

Jackson Square

Jackson Square in New Orleans, Louisiana is one of the most wonderful places to visit. I love the feeling of history you get when you stand in the shadow of St. Louis Cathedral in a place that has not changed much since the Spanish and the French claimed this portion of America. The surrounding square is a small taste of what New Orleans is, it holds clowns, artists, Tarot Readers, and Fortune tellers… it is also surrounded by wonderful shops selling everything from pralines to alligator souvenirs. I had a chance to visit this wonderful place yesterday, I have seen it many times… but it never ceases to amaze me.

14 January, 2010

Aurora Australis in Mississippi?!

The sky is ever-changing and it fascinates me, this photo was taken yesterday and when I commented on it and took the photo, my six year old nephew sprung into a commenting frenzy. He explained to me that the reason the sky was so beautiful and had so many colours, was that the colours come from Antarctica. Apparently the lights in the sky (aurora australis) migrate around the planet, and lead to beautiful sky everywhere. The logic of a 6-year-old always amazes me.

11 January, 2010

The Path

I remember when I first saw this path laid out before me, everything was new and amazing. It was my first trip to a place that was outside the realm of what was normal for me, a trip to another country. Since then my path has become as fuzzy as this photo… I’m not sure what lies before me now, but I do know what lies behind me, an amazing series of circumstance that makes me who I am… who could ask for more?

09 January, 2010

Shadows of Humanity

Meeting this Gorilla through the glass at the Dallas Zoo was a life changing experience for me. I had never seen a Gorilla so close, and I was absolutely gobsmacked at the humanity in her eyes. I felt for her, as she looked at me with intelligence radiating from her eyes in her prison on display for the masses. I know that she is treated well, but I can’t help but think of how it would feel to be in her place. I had never considered this, until I met her… it was her humanity that made me realize the plight of the remaining Gorillas in the world, I sincerely feel we need to do everything in our power to help them. They truly are our brothers and sisters, and I doubt anyone could deny that when they look directly into their eyes and see shadows of themselves.

08 January, 2010


Snow does not happen in Mississippi all too often, so in early December when we were graced with the powdery sky dust… we were all a bit shocked, and assumed that would be our winter, from there it would be as mild as usual.

We were wrong. Temperatures the next few days are colder than they have been in over a decade. (Today a high of 29F -2C with a low of 18F -8C.) These frigid temperatures are not known to most Mississippians, and we have to deal with things we hardly ever have to deal with, like ice, and wind chill. I do hope that all my fellow Mississippians are safe and take proper precautions, as well as the rest of my fellow Americans on our frigid North American Continent in the massive cold that is sweeping from Canada to Florida, I also hope that everyone in other places stay safe as well. Best of Luck and Stay warm!

07 January, 2010

Rebirth of a Hometown

Jackson, Mississippi is my home. I was born within the city limits, and I have lived within 10 miles of its city limits for most of my life. It is the largest city in Mississippi and is by far the most problem plagued of all Mississippi cities. I can honestly say that Jackson is slowly fixing some of its many issues; it is becoming something I think we can all be proud of. It starts with the downtown, and the once dormant and dead King Edward Hotel, and it will radiate out.

When I was walking downtown two days ago, and I visited the King Edward; it was starting. Many of the abandoned buildings surrounding the King Edward were undergoing construction, they are being rebuilt. I’m not sure what it will lead to; I sincerely hope it will lead to a downtown similar to what was there in the 60’s, a thriving shopping center full of restaurants and stores. We can hope that from a new downtown, that it will radiate out and Jackson will once again be a place that we can be proud to call our capitol city.


I love bridges; they are something that I feel are some of the most wonderful parts of human architecture. They bring together what was once impassible, this is something we could learn to do on our own, as a species we have forgotten the basic lesson we learned when we were young. Unite. We have lost ourselves so many times in another unfortunate human trait… this is a trait we need to forget, one that is a scourge for all of mankind. Destroy. We have lost our way and we have succeeded in uniting the world in many ways, now we seek to isolate ourselves from one another based on differences, and we destroy many of the wonderful gifts that Earth has provided.

Yes I get all this from looking at a bridge… and it makes me sad to know that this bridge may very well have a short lifespan before it too is destroyed. It stands at the Dallas Zoo in Texas, and it was a wonderful surprise for me to see when I arrive in Dallas. I snapped several photos and was very pleased with the outcome. I am not sure what other people get when they look at a bridge, but I hope that they carry something away with what is presented here, in both word and photo.

06 January, 2010

Long Live The King Edward!!!

The King Edward Hotel in downtown Jackson, MS was once the grandest hotel in the area… until its doors closed in the 1960’s. The building sat in a state of decay in Jackson for forty years; it was the symbol of what Jackson had become. In recent years there was a call for either demolition or renovation, and I was all for renovation. It was a historical building that was a symbol of Jackson’s lost potential.

Yesterday I had the distinct honor of walking into the now-opened lobby of the king Edward Hotel. I was amazed at the beauty they had managed to coax out of the once decayed structure… I was very impressed... Now I can’t wait to stay in it… or afford one of the penthouse apartments!!!

For more information on my past discussions of the King Edward Visit:

19-Mar-2008: https://enduringhorizon.blogspot.com/2008/03/hotel-king-edward.html

02 January, 2010

My Mississippi

This video is patriotic to say the least. I have spent the last year discovering many things about myself, and I have done so by finding out how beautiful my state really is. Mississippi is not known for being the most beautiful, but people forget what is really there. I personally am very guilty of wanting to escape Mississippi, but I now have a unique admiration for this place, and I truly am glad to be from such a wonderful place.

The images in this video were all taken in 2009 and happen to all be in chronological order, the wonderful Enya “Wild Child.” This Video was inspired by My Dear Friend String ( http://creativealchemy.blogspot.com/2010/01/solstice-to-solstice.html ), and her “Solstice to Solstice” video.

01 January, 2010


The song for me that best fits this year for me and even in a way the entire decade,this song is Distant Dreamer by Duffy. 2009 was a year of dreams for me, and it was this year that many of my greatest dreams were realized and some others were shattered. However no matter what occurred, deep down I kept thinking of what will be and what I will become. At the moment I am standing on the cusp of 2010, a new year and a new decade, and I can’t help but reminisce about things past, the loved ones lost and the loved ones gained; I do know, however, that this year and decade will bring new wonders, more dreams will be conquered, and we will each grow from our experiences that are yet to come. Deep Down we are all Distant Dreamers, Thinking about what all we will do… Let’s Make all our dreams come true!

“Although you think I cope,
my head is filled with hope...
of some place other than here.

Although you think I smile,
inside all the while...
I'm wondering about my destiny.

I'm thinking about,
all the things,
I'd like to do in my life.

I'm a dreamer,
a distant dreamer,
dreaming for hope, from today.”
