31 March, 2008
Out of Place

28 March, 2008
Stop and Stare at my Ordinary World

My life seems to be focused on new beginnings lately. That is a good thing, by all my standards!!! Last year in Toomsuba I planted a variable garden of sorts, I have always grown up with vegetables growing somewhere… so I am familiar with the breaking of earth and tending of the plants to grow something you can’t really get in a store. Well my venture in Toomsuba would have been successful if not for the under mining of the children, but now I have a chance to grow something that I will hopefully see the fruits of my labor. Three Tomatoes, a pepper plant, three flowering plants, as well as a plethora of Zinna’s that are direct descendants of the ones that I planted a year ago in Toomsuba. I consider it a symbolic representation of my life right now… it is awesome.
But I won't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
-Duran Duran
Pearl, MS, USA
25 March, 2008
True Friendship

I can honestly say though, that I now have a wonderful group of people I can count on, and I know would not abandon me at the drop of a hat.
In fact this photo that symbolizes to me true friendships was taken as a result of at least one branch of the wonderful new friends that I have been blessed with… This is Molly (The Retriever) and Jackson (The Shiatsu) cuddling with one another.
23 March, 2008
Hoppy Easter

These eggs are some that I and two of my dearest friends dyed in preparation for the wonderful spring festivities. I must say they are the prettiest eggs I think I have ever had the pleasure of helping dye!!!!
21 March, 2008
Ding... Dong... Ding... Dong

19 March, 2008
Hotel King Edward

18 March, 2008
This is a teaser poster I came up with for Mame, nothing big, just Cynthia Stuart as the title character. Cynthia is such a talented sweet lady; it was wonderful playing her nephew!!! Oh I did come up with a photo Montage ….
15 March, 2008
Jackson, Mississippi

14 March, 2008
Meridian At Night

This photo is from Meridians infamous Murder Spot. It is one of the higher points in the area, and you have a great view of the surrounding city, but it is a little creepy. The reason I say it is creepy is that there is a sign reminding people that NNS was murdered there in 1998 and not to dump, I’m not sure if it was a scare tactic to keep kids from making-out or if it did happen… but it worked on the creep factor.
13 March, 2008

"Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars....So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I."
12 March, 2008
Essence of Jackson

*For most of the world a skyscraper is a really large building that seems to scrape the sky. For Jackson it is any large building above two stories.
Jackson, MS, USA
11 March, 2008
Serenity in Gray
09 March, 2008

I consider any being that experiences emotions to be a person, even if they are not Human… but on the flip side I consider any being that does not experience emotion not to be a person, even if they are Human. Enter Ellie, Ellie is a Dachshund Dapple with beautiful eyes, and a wonderfully playful energetic personality, Ellie is one of the greatest people I know. In this photo Ellie is mournfully staring at the door, waiting for her loved owners to come home… you see last weekend I babysat Ellie while her parents went to a wedding all the way in another state, and Ellie missed them terribly. To see and understand her emotions were heart wrenching, but I was glad and honored to have been there with her, and I know when her parents came home, she was ecstatic!!!!
06 March, 2008

05 March, 2008
04 March, 2008
Queen City

03 March, 2008
Antiques Jailhouse Roadshow

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