For most of my adult-life I have fought a loosing political battle to make downtown Jackson someplace to be proud of. Historically Jackson was a very beautiful city, the original plans called for every other block to be a park, and for all the streets running a certain way to be named after rivers. Today Jackson is a far cry from what it was meant to be, the downtown financial district is in basic need of revitalization, and our own short sightedness has caused our capital city to be a disappointment. We have no real skyscrapers, nor is there a real demand for them, we have large abandoned buildings downtown, we have no places to visit downtown, the only surviving planned park is the poorly maintained smith park, and we allow hoodlums to run free. I had hoped that Frank Melton would do something about this, and he has done some great things… as well a lot of not-so-great things, but nothing has been done to really turn our downtown into something that would draw businesses our tourists into the area, it is really sad that we are the largest, and ugliest city in our state. Our own politicians allow the “moral-majority” to run things, when what we really need is something to increase revenue so we can boost our economy and revitalize our capital city… why not put a few casinos in the Pearl River, or even God forbid in the ABANDONED King Edward Hotel? What could it really hurt? Except maybe a few Christian’s feelings that we would allow Satan a place to play in Jackson, and by Satan I mean those very Christians that spoke up against it, but would still go and gamble. Why not pass a bill that would bring businesses downtown, and allow the facades of some of the buildings to be rebuilt or revitalized, why not have some sort of downtown tourist center something to bring people and their money to Jackson,. Why let the coast and Vicksburg get all the money… why? It makes no sense. But that’s politics for you.
I do find it funny that in the past when Jackson was beautiful, money was spent on man-hole covers that are actually very nice, and something unique. I was shocked… but why has that mentality died?
It sounds like your city needs the same sort of visionary city council that we fortunately have, (they are far from perfect, and a lot of incompetence as well as the odd bit of corruption rears its head, but)they recently created the Mandela Bay Development agency and tasked them with the Urban Renewal of the lovely old historic city centre.... so far they have done a great job, and the drug lords and gangsters are slowly being squeezed out. I write about it a lot on my personal blog and our PE Daily Photo blog because we live in the area and are passionate about restoring it.
I wish we had that mentality here… our city has so much potential but no one to really take control and clean it up.
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