29 January, 2008

Ridgeland, MS, USA
28 January, 2008
Black Rose Theatre

The building of course is Black Rose Theatre on Black Street in Brandon, Mississippi. http://www.blackrosetheater.com
27 January, 2008
The Pursuit of Happiness

This is a view of Rosemary Bridge on Rosemary Road in between Florence and Terry. I figured Black and White was fitting; it gives it a little something extra.
25 January, 2008

Performance Dates are: March 06, 2008 - Mar 09, 2008 & March 13, 2008 - Mar 16, 2008.
Brandon, MS, USA
21 January, 2008
Looking Out

This photo was taken on the Rankin side of Rosemary Road in Florence, Mississippi. It is the top of one of the highest points in the area, overlooking the Pearl River plain. Winter has taken most of the green out of the normally bright landscape, the field yearns for the warmth of spring… so it can burst with life once more.
From this point you can actually see about seven water towers from towns many miles away, althought not in this photo. It is a spot that begs you to stop and take in the beauty around you.
From this point you can actually see about seven water towers from towns many miles away, althought not in this photo. It is a spot that begs you to stop and take in the beauty around you.
20 January, 2008
She was my best friend when I was a child, and I remember when she first came into my life… one of the few moments that I remember with vivid clarity. She followed me around like I was her hero, she would even go into the bathroom when I was taking a bath and try to jump in… it was so adorable. Her following me earned her name, Shadow, and for the next five years she was my shadow. She was with me when things were great, and I remember that no matter what happened in my life, she was my constant… my companion, a love I could always count on. I remember the day she left as vividly as the day she came into my life, it happened fast, she got really sick… I remember holding her and telling her how grateful I was that she was in my life, and I remember her whimpering for me to hold her… and I remember her last breath. She was my best friend, but as time passes us by, and memories of her fade I know that she will always be in my heart.
This photo of Shadow was taken sometime around 1996 or 1997, it has stood the ravages of time, and the original has many flaws that appeared over the last decade. When it came into my hands I stored it, and today I decided to try to restore it. I am pleased with the results considering how worn the original is. I love the photo itself, it captures her essence perfectly, she was very playful and sweet, and I do miss her.
This photo of Shadow was taken sometime around 1996 or 1997, it has stood the ravages of time, and the original has many flaws that appeared over the last decade. When it came into my hands I stored it, and today I decided to try to restore it. I am pleased with the results considering how worn the original is. I love the photo itself, it captures her essence perfectly, she was very playful and sweet, and I do miss her.
19 January, 2008

Pearl, MS, USA
The Mighty Pearl

Hinds, Mississippi, USA
18 January, 2008
15 January, 2008
Ghostly Tour
This image is off Highway 49 North at the North Bentonia Exit. It used to be something of a school, or other important building. It has been abandoned for many years and the roof has collapsed in several areas, it was odd approaching the building through a cow field with a lone flag pole at the center.
Not sure if this was a receptionist desk or what… I liked the colors.

13 January, 2008
Blurred Lines

I occasionally find myself staring into the distance, and just thinking, and allowing myself to not focus on anything in my line of sight. Sometimes in that second when I come back, just before my eyes focus, the world makes more sense. Today I went to get my mom, and on the way home the sunset was absolutely beautiful, but I could not get a still shot, the final image left the horizon blurred, but the image itself retains its immense beauty.
08 January, 2008
Life After Us
One thing that has fascinated me is what would 
happen to our infrastructure if it we were to disappear. This has led me to have an insane interest in abandoned buildings and places that people have allowed nature and time to take control… places such as Chernobyl, Ukraine or the Varosha Quarter in Famagusta, Cyprus. It’s really a fascination I can not explain, and it must be one that I share with many people, especially with the book The World Without Us by Alan Weisman or the History Channel Event Life After People: on January 21st. I would love a chance to explore a city abandoned for thirty years or so, basically just to take a few thousand photos and document what I see… I think it would be awesome.
I got a glimpse into what would happen to some of the smaller areas throughout the country today in Bentonia, Mississippi. There is a rather large two story building that is nice from the outside, perhaps a little rundown… not unlike many of the buildings in the city.. .but this one has been neglected to the point that the inside has collapsed, and there are small trees growing inside… the mess is magnificent in a way… makes you wonder….

happen to our infrastructure if it we were to disappear. This has led me to have an insane interest in abandoned buildings and places that people have allowed nature and time to take control… places such as Chernobyl, Ukraine or the Varosha Quarter in Famagusta, Cyprus. It’s really a fascination I can not explain, and it must be one that I share with many people, especially with the book The World Without Us by Alan Weisman or the History Channel Event Life After People: on January 21st. I would love a chance to explore a city abandoned for thirty years or so, basically just to take a few thousand photos and document what I see… I think it would be awesome.
I got a glimpse into what would happen to some of the smaller areas throughout the country today in Bentonia, Mississippi. There is a rather large two story building that is nice from the outside, perhaps a little rundown… not unlike many of the buildings in the city.. .but this one has been neglected to the point that the inside has collapsed, and there are small trees growing inside… the mess is magnificent in a way… makes you wonder….
05 January, 2008
Jackson, Mississippi

I do find it funny that in the past when Jackson was beautiful, money was spent on man-hole covers that are actually very nice, and something unique. I was shocked… but why has that mentality died?
Jackson, MS, USA
Inner City Life

02 January, 2008
Something to Ponder....

"Today I had a chance to watch Fire... Its wild tounges licking toward the sky, sending glittery sparks flying. The embers smoldering like passion in your soul, as the flames lust to grow higher. The heat warmed my face arms and legs, as it begged me to feed it further. I felt bad as the night grew on and I had to starve it to smoldering embers, I knew that it left me a legacy of heat, passion, and lust... A Gift, I suppose." ~ J. Grant Wixson Blakeney 2/20/2006
I wrote this a while back, and I still find it odd, and yet beautiful.
01 January, 2008
The Song of 2007
The Last Goodnight – Pictures of You... this year I made many memories. I feel that I have grown and lost and so many different things. I feel that I fit in differently with my family and friends. Sometimes, we don't fit the pictures on or wall or in our photo albums.
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