31 December, 2008
Every year it is a tradition for me to choose a song that reminds me of the year that is passing… as we go into 2009, the song that reminds me of 2008 will have to be Nickleback: If Today Was Your Last Day.
2008 For me personally has been full of many trials and tribulations; I have lost a very dear friend, and reconnected with some other dear ones. I have moved past things that were holding me back, and expanded my Horizons… I have started an adventure that will carry into 2009 and beyond, with someone that is very close to my heart and grows closer every day.
“Against the grain should be a way of life
what's worth the price is always worth the fight,
every second counts 'cause,
there's no second try,
so live like you're never livin’ twice,
don't take the free ride in your own life.
If today was your last day,
and tomorrow was too late.
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?
Would you call those friends you've never seen?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one your dreaming of?”
29 December, 2008

Photo: The Man in the Photo is my friend Lisa's father, and by default my adopted father, Jim Barfield.
24 December, 2008
Happy Holidays!

This is the season that the world is supposed to unite and share and good cheer for one another, so many religions have major celebrations at this time of the year… that it truly is the holiday season. This is the season for giving, for showing others that you care… that you think of them even when they are not right in front of you. This is the time where we share our lives with strangers and donate to the less fortunate, and open our hearts like we never even consider doing other times of the year.
Why is that?
I Challenge Everyone that reads my blog to take the joy and love of the holiday season, and carry it with them throughout the entire year…
Happy Holidays… I wish each and everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season and A Happy New Year!
Why is that?
I Challenge Everyone that reads my blog to take the joy and love of the holiday season, and carry it with them throughout the entire year…
Happy Holidays… I wish each and everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season and A Happy New Year!
21 December, 2008

About the Photo: Rendezvous Famous BBQ Ribs in Memphis, Tennessee just down the alley from Union Street…. Fabulous.
52 South 2nd Street
Memphis, TN 38103-2628
(901) 523-274618 December, 2008
Little Britain USA

Britain… Britain… Britain… That’s how it starts my favorite comedy series, Little Britain, with its American counter part Little Britain USA, the funniest thing was that that Little Britain USA’s very first skit took place in Mississippi. Well I had to share this view of the Lamar Life Building featured in the very funny second Lou and Andy Little Britain USA Skit!!!!! It is really odd when your favorite foreign television show comes to your back yard!
11 December, 2008
Mississippi Slushie
Winter in Mississippi is not a very wintery event usually, believe me when we found out that it was supposed to snow we were very shocked and surprised. However when a majority of our state turned into a big slush puppie (minus the flavor)… needless to say I am sad. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to have built a rare Mississippi snowman to post on here… but instead y’all will have to handle a bit of wet snow on a trampoline in a flooded back yard. Tonight, we get to have tons of fun… when most of this turns into rare Mississippi Ice!!!!
10 December, 2008
Peace Be With You...

04 December, 2008
New Era

About the photo: I used to work at this very store, Linens ‘N Things at Dogwood Festival Market in Flowood, Mississippi. I was shocked to discover that the company had filed for bankruptcy and all the stores were closing. The people I worked with at this location were among the best people I had ever had the privilege of ever knowing, and I hope they all fair well in this new era in their lives.
01 December, 2008

In 1776 when they said that all “All men are created equal,” they may have only meant “all white land owning men are created equal,” but we as a nation have come a long way… we have seen many people die fighting for their freedom, against us (Civil Rights Movements)… the United States. Some of these people have won their freedom, some are still fighting, but we need to actually realize that we will only truly live up to the standard that we project to the world… and we project to ourselves, when we finally live up to our own standards and truly acknowledge that all people are equal no matter what race, religion, sex, sexual preference, national origin, disability, etc. Only then will we truly be a free nation for all.
27 November, 2008

13 November, 2008

Finally Now my destiny can begin Though we will have our differences Something strange and new is happening Finally Now my life doesn't seem so badIt's the best that I've ever had Give my love to him finally
~"Finally" By Fergie
07 November, 2008
Dead End

This is a view of the Old Mississippi State Capital looking up from Capital Street in Jackson, Mississippi.
06 November, 2008

I used to be cynical when it came to love, I used to believe that love was a trick that was devised to confuse man and entertain the gods. I was wrong, I truly believe that, I have been shown the error of my ways. I am not sure how or where it has occurred but I now know that love can exist and it can be the purest emotion that can be felt.
05 November, 2008
03 November, 2008
30 October, 2008
Mississippi can be an odd place full of odd people, and my personal favorite holiday is Halloween. Halloween definitely allows people to open up and express themselves in a way that they are not able to do other times during the year, it allows them to be creative and at times scary… and beautiful… here is a collection of some Halloween photos I have gathered this season.
Echo In front of a bonfire at a Charli's Famous halloween party.

23 October, 2008
Not Alone

Sometimes when you feel like you are all alone, you are not really that alone, no matter what you are not really alone. Somewhere out there, someone is waiting… for you to enter into their lives. Suddenly the veil is lifted and the loneliness subsides and suddenly you find yourself adrift in a world that is warmer than the world was before.
14 October, 2008
The Top

The top is where everything looks different, it all comes into perspective. Suddenly everything that is such a big deal is so small and insignificant. The top takes many forms; it can be the peak of success or just the peak… I have reached a peak and I hope to ride this out for a while. Like sitting atop a Ferris wheel, looking out at the events below.

09 October, 2008
The Beatty Street Grocery

South Jackson is known for many things, most of them not so good things. The Beatty Street Grocery is one of the few good things that South Jackson is known for. Beatty Street is a throw back to the old general stores that used to dot the Mississippi landscapes until the Wal-Mart’s moved in. Beatty Street has been around as long as most people can remember, and it has a deli attached that can serve food that can rival most store chains. Now I need to warn you, the store does not look like much inside or out, but over all it is a jewel in the heart of a city that needs as many jewels as it can get.
Update: sadly, this jewel has closed it’s doors.
08 October, 2008
A Tad Political

I try not to be very political on my posts but recently the government did something that was not the best course of action. They voted to give 700 BILLION dollars to the fat pigs that got our economy into this terrible mess anyway. To me it makes no logical sense to give the irresponsible people money, especially money that is going to end up coming from the pockets of people that need it. This is how economic depressions are born, when we have political leaders that are so corrupt that they give the pigs on Wall Street more money when the people that need it can barely put food on the table, it makes NO SENSE. We all thought for a little while that maybe the politicians were smart and would not pass a bill as irresponsible as that, but alas after adding some selfish sweeteners and more pork than in a BBQ resultant, they passed it. We the PEOPLE of the United States of America do not have to stand up for corrupt politicians that think that they do not have to answer to the people; we can stand up and make our voices heard!
07 October, 2008
Mississippi State Fair

04 October, 2008
Some Crazies

“The Internet is all I have to live for right now!”
(Oh Really! Don’t worry, I don’t have a life either.)
“Honey, I don’t think there is a modem here, I think they are fucking around with my brain, excuse the language.”
(Well isn’t that special!... EVERYONE with our services has a modem!)
“That’s goofy! OH WOW, It works!”
(Oh Wow! I know what I am talking about!)
“You know, people can’t live without internet.”
(Is that why the suicide level jumps when the internet goes out?)
“I have gotten my big computer out of the pawn shop.”
(Interesting… was it next to the big guns?)
“Hello… I’m calling about my phone…. Apparently I don’t have any tones… in my phone.”
(Have some happy pills this morning?)
“We don’t have any high speed in our house today.”
(So everyone is rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyy slow?)
“I am an illiterate computer.”
(I believe you!)
“I should unscrew the cable from the outback?”
(Let’s go outback tonight!)
02 October, 2008

01 October, 2008
Seasons Change

October is the month that contains the most interesting holiday in modern history, Halloween. This holiday gives people the chance to portray themselves in a manner not normally seen; they can be anyone or anything they choose. Most social conventions are thrown out the door, and the world slips into a controlled Macabre of dark fantasies from the deepest darkest corners of the mind… but just for one day, after all it is in good fun.
18 September, 2008

People have cloned plants for centuries, and animals have cloned themselves for just as long. The resulting offspring from these cloning may have the same genetic material as the original donor, but it is by far anything similar to the original. Genetic Makeup does not make the person; we can see that with twins, it is the personal experiences that make the person unique and different, not necessarily genetics.
I believe the real moral issues for human cloning should come from the reasons behind the person’s reason to clone. Cloning a dead loved one is all well and good, but as I stated earlier this will not bring the person back, and at the most it may serve to do nothing more than constantly remind the person of the lost loved one, or worse yet cause an unhealthy fixation with the cloned child. This unhealthy psychological aspect could cause some negative family interactions especially with how the “parents” respond to the other children who are not clones. However cloning someone you love or even yourself to create a child that is related to you for the benefit of having a child is another story all together. This I personally have no problem with, I could see many opportunities for people who for no fault of their own: illness, accident, rape, etc that are unable to conceive or have children to carry on their own genetic code, especially since their inability to have children is not due to genetics, so their “Grandchildren” would in effect be their true next generation. This is itself creates an entirely new family structure, not just on the aspect of what generation is what, but what would the structure of such a family be like… what would it be like to raise your identical twin from birth?
Many people cite religious reasons for cloning to be wring, but like all technology it is a double edged sword. God gave us the ability to grow in knowledge and experience, if he did not intend for humans to ever be able to learn to clone, then he could simply make it impossible to clone a person. (This may actually be the case since the Clonaid claims have never been proven.) I believe personally that a life is a life from the very moment of conception, and I believe that a cloned child is no different, just because the genetic material is the same does not mean that it lacks a soul, God would love it as a unique person. I believe like with all technology the ability to clone is a double edged sword and can create many issues in the future, what is to stop people from enslaving clones as secondary citizens because they were not conceived in a normal way?
My main issue with cloning is on the fact that people and other species tend to weed out genetic shortcomings over time due to selective breeding, if we become a species that reproduces asexually then we keep the same genetic material, we do not evolve and grow as a species.
12 September, 2008

Ike… How we loathe you! To quote a political slogan from years past, “We Don’t like Ike!” Of course I am talking about the hurricane that is currently taking aim on the Texas coast with Katrina-like consequences for the southeast, and hopefully none of the Katrina-like damage or any further loss of life for those in its path. Ike has not yet made landfall as of this post, and yet already gas stations are experiencing a shortage, and this particular gas station is forced to ration gas at $40.00 a person. With Ike already having far reaching results, I sincerely hope that he is not as bad as people tend to think he is going to be. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of this dangerous deadly storm.
10 September, 2008
Pearl Pirate

05 September, 2008
Scarlet's Web
Spiders are fascinating creatures that receive a relatively bad rep, much like snakes, alligators, crocodiles, or pretty much anything else that humans do not deem “warm and fuzzy.” Spiders occupy a special place for me, as do most creepy-crawlies; that does not mean that I like them particularly, but I do hold an intense respect and admiration for the creatures. This may be surprising considering a year ago I was stung by a scorpion that had crawled in my bed, but it was doing what it does. This particular spider is in my back yard, not sure what type it is but it is about an inch long, hairy and grey. In these videos it is having a small feast of Horsefly that had found its way into her web. I have christened her Scarlet… not to be confused with Charlotte.
Pearl, MS, USA
21 August, 2008
Time Theory

Have you ever thought about how time moves, and brings us along with it? I think of time as a piece of growing paper, right now we are on the edge of the paper, nothing in front of us… it just grows and makes a path before us as we move forward through time. Everything and everyone that came before us still exists, they go through all their lives just like normal… up until the point that they no longer need time, and after that they move on leaving part of themselves behind that exists where they once did… back in 1988 or 1388 B.C.E., of course living people do the same. Now Einstein said that time travel forward was possible, and that past travel was impossible… I disagree.I believe that the only way we can travel into the future is by traveling close to the speed of light and allowing time dilation to occur, this would in fact give the traveler the sense that they have traveled through time, when all they really did was just wait for time to pass around them. Now travel into the past I believe is possible, and has been done at many points through history, its just that many travelers are smart enough to know that interfering with a timeline would only create a paradox that has already been created. Take the ole “Dead Grandfather” paradox… Ok You go back in time and kill your grandfather before he has a chance to father your dad, therefore giving you no possible way to exist. So how could you have gone back in time and killed your grandfather? OK… Well lets say you wanted to go back in time and kill your grandfather, so you went back… You know what!? Your going to fail, and I can prove that by your existence. So perhaps even though we live on the edge of time, whose to say that were not already re living our lives and part of us hasn’t already moved on? Who’s to say that the edge of time isn’t already at 2063 and some of us are already long dead? And Who’s to say that some of the random people you see on the streets that look at you aren’t really time travelers? Just something to think about…..
(Flashback... Originally Written Jan. 29th, 2006 at 12:34 PM
The photo is a restored, as best as possible, photo of my grand mother and my aunt and uncle... aprox 1960.)
14 August, 2008
<3 Bird

Birds are fascinating creatures, especially when they spend most of their lives around humans.
07 August, 2008

04 August, 2008
Fort Massachusetts

One thing that really fascinates me is that barrier islands grow longer and not wider, when the fort was originally built, it was in the middle of the island, and now it is on the edge of the water, and the National Park Service has the Army Corps of Engineers pump in sand when they have to dredge shipping channels, just to keep the waves from hitting the fort. But the island is a mile longer than when the fort was originally built.
03 August, 2008

I look up at the sky sometimes and I see the stars so far above me, and I just drift away. My thoughts usually drift into some place that makes me think about what it is that has brought me to this physical place, but I wonder if the stars had something to do with it. Some people say that the stars actually control our lives… I believe that to a degree, but not completely. We make our own decisions and I never looked up and asked a star to guide me in making the correct decision, lest one fall on my head. But that is neither here nor there… but everywhere. I’m here because someone or something so far back in time that it is but a mere memory etched in the forbidden reaches of the cosmos, made a decision… Very similar to the decision that my great grandparents made one lonely night, or my grandparents or my parents on their honeymoon. The fact is my life, the life I cherish and value, was the random effect caused by decisions made many years before I even came into the picture. I would never have existed had my Mother not have decided to go to a party one night where she met my father, it was random. God, The Stars, Fate, Karma, all of these are answers to the question, “what happened that brought me here?” But the reality is that the exact opposite was just as mathematically possible at the time. Who is to say that making the decision to use your debit card to pay for gas at the store will not change your life? Ok… So I had my card out to pay for gas… You following me? And then I decided I wanted a Tropicana Pure Premium OJ, The best in the world, so I put my card back in my wallet and I walk into the store. I get ready to pay when this nice looking young man with a nice big black handgun walks into the store; he demands that the clerk and I give him all our cash. The clerk decides to be a hero, the gun goes off…. And now I am a quadriplegic. I would still be able to walk had I just used my card, but that is over there somewhere… not sure where, but what does that have to do with anything. The stars, they are real, decisions we make, they are real… me I know I am real… I think. What is reality? I once read that everything is energy, the molecules that hold everything together is energy, the stars are energy, and I am energy… I’m not sure if I really like that thought, but it still fascinates me, if all we are is energy, than everything that exists only does so because we perceive the energy in certain manners. We touch the surface creating vibrations, we smell vibrations, we taste them, see light waves, and hear sound waves, so we can only perceive our surroundings by sensing the energy in separate ways… this is odd that means that in reality nothing is really solid unless we perceive it in some manner. So who is to say what the office looks like? Or what we really look like, we only see the simulations that our body has set up for us based on the input of several sensory organs that sense energy… nothing more… and the only reason we have those sensory organs to sense the nothingness is because our great-great-great grandparents made a decision one morning to get out of bed, that changed the world. So when people say don’t sweat the small stuff… Stop and think… is it really that small… and when you walk out of a room, stop and ask… does that room exist now that no one is there to perceive it? Or better yet stop and ask yourself if your maternal descendant that lived all the way back in 16 BC thought that when he met that beautiful young girl that it would cause this discussion to take place. Is that the big dipper? You know, the stars are beautiful?
(c) 2008 J. Grant Blakeney
31 July, 2008
Ancient Beach

28 July, 2008
I Can Still Recall...

Although it has been a long time, thoughts of you still flood my mind,
I still feel as I have committed a crime, but only because It is you I want to find.
I’m trapped in this maze I call life, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
Suffering through the pain and strife, waiting for something new.
I can still recall what it was like, to have you near.
And now when I like awake, I know that I have nothing to fear.
Memories of us may fade as time goes on, but I will always have you in my heart.
And I know that now you are gone, but we are never truly apart.
I still feel as I have committed a crime, but only because It is you I want to find.
I’m trapped in this maze I call life, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
Suffering through the pain and strife, waiting for something new.
I can still recall what it was like, to have you near.
And now when I like awake, I know that I have nothing to fear.
Memories of us may fade as time goes on, but I will always have you in my heart.
And I know that now you are gone, but we are never truly apart.
26 July, 2008
The Mightiest

This tree is either a remnant of Hurricane Katrina from one of the other barrier islands (as there are no trees on East Ship Island), or it washed the 11 miles from the mainland to Ship Island the old fashioned way.
25 July, 2008
The Ruby Gensolen
23 July, 2008
Ship Island

Ship Island is one of my favorite places to visit in Mississippi; it has History, a calm beach… and a wavy beach not unlike those in Gulf Shores or the Florida Panhandle. I spent a good deal of today on the island, it gave me a chance to reflect, and relax… plus the boat ride out on the SS Captain Pete was fun. The waves and wind were strong from Hurricane Dolly several hundred miles away, but the weather was bright and sunny for us on the island, and over all it was a wonderful, beautiful trip.
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