26 July, 2019


Throughout my life I have wanted to know the nature of the universe.  I have worked so hard to look for intricacies and clues that would show me something, anything.  I hoped that maybe I was special and that whatever controlled the universe would whisper to me its secrets.  It was only after growing a little older that I realized that the secrets of the universe are meant to be just that… secrets.  All I need to do is continue to go through my life and strive hard to be the best I can and slowly I will come to know that there are no secrets.  Everything is there in front of us as long as we open our eyes and allow ourselves to see.

05 April, 2019

Texas Spring

With the change of the weather in Texas and the winter chill on the way out, the plants are in bloom.   That is one thing I love about Texas, they spend a little money to ensure the medians and roadways are covered in Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, and other Texas wildflowers.  The bluebonnets are such a phenomenon unto themselves (being the state flower and all) that people wills stop on the side of the road and go out into the median to take photos of themselves in the bluebonnets.    I love it.   I am always sad when summer comes and they all disappear. 

01 January, 2019


I first heard this song when i went to Vietnam.  I loved the piano and though i do knot know the words I learned to attempt and sing it.   Through the many trips to Houston with Doan's Family this song played more than once.  It has shown that as he grows more in my life I am embracing a new family and culture as my own.