16 January, 2016


Time moves like a river, we are caught in it and all we can do is go and mvoe with the current being mindful to avoid undertows and whirlpools.   Things change around us as we move further along and we are helpless to do anything but observe the change and admire the beauty our surroundings.  


You can tell so much from looking into someones eyes,   You can see their secrets no matter how they try to hide them. 

06 January, 2016

Pulled up, moped to the valley

Part of: 

Wordless Wednesday

Grant's Art

It started as a way to pass the time and soon became more. I plan to do more than just rosaries, the concept of art in general fascinates me and the use of it in religion takes that fascination to a completely different level.  

For more about my art visit: Grant's Art

05 January, 2016

Đà Nẵng

There is beauty everywhere if we look closely.   The world is an amazing place full of wonder and all we have to do is go outside our comfort zone and look.   If we do this, we allow ourselves the opportunity to see and experience new places and new things.

03 January, 2016


We as a sentient species have the ability to recognize that suffering is part of our being. Suffering comes from attachment and attachment takes many forms from material items to the relationships in our lives.  While it is part of our human nature to build attachments; we have the unique ability as a species to make the intelligent decision to not allow ourselves to foster attachment.  This by no means devalues those in our lives or even the items that are important to us. It simply means that we can make a decision to suffer or not to suffer or even lesson the amount of suffering that we choose to endure.

We have the ability to live our lives with grace and dignity and to approach every problem with a positive mind and review every angle to see all sides of all things. Nothing is truly good and nothing is truly bad.  Even the things that we take as blessing can have negative consequences and the things that we encounter that are bad can have positive outcomes. Knowing this about our world allows us to approach everything with the knowledge of the dual nature of reality and consciously choose to face every obstacle with an open mind.

We must learn to live our lives with respect for those around us. Religion, race, political beliefs, these are all things that we consistently fight over.  We should learn to respect and celebrate our differences and know that we all have much to teach one another.  We also must teach ourselves that every creature is worthy of respect; all life is important and can make an impact that at the moment seems small but could potentially change everything.

01 January, 2016

The Song of 2015

Being in love is one of the most incredible and frightening experiences that you can have.   This year was one where I explored many aspects of what love can be and I've made many bold choices.  For that reason this song embodies 2015 for me.