Mississippi is a product of a conflicted past. Marked with glory, chivalry, as well as inhuman brutality; the same can be said for the entire southern United States that made up the Slave States and the Confederate States of America. It amazes me to see relics of the old south, the plantation homes, (Such as Rosalie in Natchez, Mississippi in the photo.) the elegance and wealth that was the Old South. However if you look deeper the truth is easily known, no matter how beautiful or elegant it was… it was built on the backs of people that were not considered people. While I believe that dwelling on past horrors is futile, we must not forget what was done; and we must stop it from happening again. Right now Slavery still exists in some parts of the world, either in the open or behind closed doors, we need to all work together and end this. That is the only way to redeem the sins of the past.