29 April, 2008
28 April, 2008
Bright Lights

Hot Lights…
Lots of People…
All Watching…
Hot Air….
Do I remember All of my Lines???
Oh No…
There They Are…
Yes People…
Look At Me…
More Lines…
More People…
This Is Great…
Curtain Call…
Thank You…
The Photo is of a good friend Chris Lloyd on stage in Romeo, Beatrice, and Toto too! at Black Rose Theatre in Brandon, MS.
27 April, 2008

26 April, 2008

22 April, 2008
Counting to Three

Tape, Fake Ficus Trees, Cardboard, Stairs, Paint both spray and otherwise, fake flowers, My feet kicking the cardboard into shape… albeit accidentally, all ended up with amazing results.
Children's Night of one Acts
Apr 24, 2008 - Apr 27, 2008 andMay 01, 2008 - May 04, 2008
20 April, 2008

Time is like a pretty flower, you see it and you are amazed at how beautiful and delicate it is… but after that one time you hardly pay any attention to it whatsoever and then when winter comes and it is gone, and you no longer have the time you wised you had… you weep. Don’t just stop and look, take time to indulge yourself… before it is too late.
18 April, 2008
Diva Dog
I have never seen a canine with so much patience…. Meet Noelle and her mom Meredith, two divas going through life with enough priss and sophistication to put any multi-million dollar heiress to shame. Meredith is the daughter of one of my very best friends. Meredith is the Queen Bee with the heart of an angel, always loving and caring. Noelle is the little black poodle with the courage of a lion and patience of a thirsty cactus. I have never seen a dog play with a child the way that Noelle plays with Meredith… ok well I had also never seen a dog sit in a swing with its legs hanging out, while actually swinging without making some attempt for escape, but I guess if you’re a diva… then its all good!
16 April, 2008
In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory Of Loraine Crockett, May You Find Peace On Your Journey, And Know You Were Loved By So Many!
12 April, 2008
Night Owls

Pearl, MS 39208-6695
11 April, 2008
Mighty Mississippi

07 April, 2008
Meet My Friend

06 April, 2008

05 April, 2008
Dark Skys
Everyone has a dark side, some more than others… how can we truly say what is good and evil, when each one of us skirts a very fine line. I've met some very righteous people in my life, and I've met some heinous people… but in reality we all have the same potential, it just really depends on the decisions you make, and where life takes you. There is only one judge, and no one can ever dare to truly equal the true judge.
Bad weather skirted my area today, tornados and thunder... the usual. There was something eerily beautiful about these clouds when I left work today… how can something so dangerous be so beautiful…
04 April, 2008
Beautiful Magnolia

Spring, everything begins anew! Trees refresh their leaves, many animal species refresh their populations, and pollen refreshes allergies. It all is a truly marvelous reminder of just how awesome Earth really is, and how lucky we are to be as blessed as we are. However we, as a species need to figure out just how blessed we are before we realize that we were once blessed and all these wonderful gifts have drifted away.
The Southern Magnolia is my favorite plant and flower; it is also the state tree of Mississippi. Imagine my surprise to see these beautiful Japanese Magnolias in bloom at the Mississippi State Capital Building in Jackson, Mississippi.