Christmas is starting to show up everywhere. And I could not resist showing my Yuletide findings either, this photo was taken in Tylertown, Mississippi at a Tylertown Florist, LLC. The tree was stunning, and the big white teddy bear just topped it off, it really got me excited about the upcoming Holiday!
27 November, 2007
26 November, 2007
Small Town Mississippi

(I wrote this several months ago, someone took it off my LJ and ran with it... it has appeared in several places, along with another quote of mine... I feel honored that people are touched by my words.)
Pearl, MS, USA
25 November, 2007
Creole Lifestyle

24 November, 2007
This is my interpretation of a river scene on the great continent of Pangea during the Triassic Period.
The land was much different then, nothing like we know it today, a Cycad sits along the bank near a fallen Ginkgo tree, the seed ferns around it continue to grow nourished by the river that lazily flows into the Tethys sea. A lone male Cynognathus walks along the river bank, looking for small morsels that the current may wash ashore... or perhaps the scent of a female. A Brightly colored Ornithodira surveys the dead Ginkgo for insect life, unaware of the wonders the future and evolution holds instore for its decendants. In the distance the Foothills to the extensive Central Pangean Mountains(Proto-Appalachians Mountains) loom diviving the continent into North and South.
The land was much different then, nothing like we know it today, a Cycad sits along the bank near a fallen Ginkgo tree, the seed ferns around it continue to grow nourished by the river that lazily flows into the Tethys sea. A lone male Cynognathus walks along the river bank, looking for small morsels that the current may wash ashore... or perhaps the scent of a female. A Brightly colored Ornithodira surveys the dead Ginkgo for insect life, unaware of the wonders the future and evolution holds instore for its decendants. In the distance the Foothills to the extensive Central Pangean Mountains(Proto-Appalachians Mountains) loom diviving the continent into North and South.
23 November, 2007

My entire life I would pass b this old barn on the way to and from my mother’s. Something about it would always catch my fancy; it always had a charm to it. Something about it reminded me of the Wizard of Oz, it had a beauty all its own.
The photo was originally taken in color, but I had to play with it a little… to give it my own personal touch.
22 November, 2007
Old Rosemary Bridge

These are the remains of a former bridge that once linked the Hinds County side of Rosemary Road to the Rankin County side. The current bridge is a one-lane ancient relic of a time when cars where big behemoths that they needed their own tracks on the bridge… this leaves me to believe that the bridge that presided the present Rosemary bridge was only strong enough for a horse and carriage. There are a few relics of the old bridge including old pilings, the remains of the railing in the water behind it… and some standing railing just off to the back. It is
surprisingly beautiful to the otherwise pristine Pearl River.
19 November, 2007
I'm Late, I'm Late, For a Very important Date...

View from the Inside looking up.
Dan Donovan 1935-1952

Today Who Killed Aunt Caroline has ended… and I am left with few mementos, wonderful memories, a bunch of photos, as well as a whole lotta new friends! I am glad that events led me into doing this, we really did have a dream cast… and it all came together for a wonderful experience, from the first dress rehearsal on… I loved it!
17 November, 2007

15 November, 2007
Angel In Waiting
Angels have always been a source of fascination and interest for me. As a young child I was taught that people who die become angels, but as I grew older I came to realize that people do not become angels, angels existed long before men and have taken many different forms. They are protectors, spirits, messengers, but all in all beings of light, they bring positive things to all they encounter… So I guess some people can be angelic.
I took this photo at Repeat Street in Ridgeland… I felt Sepia was fitting.
Repeat Street
626 Ridgewood Road
Ridgeland, MS 39157-3906
Get Directions
(601) 605-9393
14 November, 2007
Washed Up Boat...

13 November, 2007
Who Killed Dan Donovan?

Brandon, MS, USA
10 November, 2007
You Might Be A Redneck If....

Oh where is Jeff Foxworthy when you need him? I smell a redneck joke somewhere…
Past Revisited
Very few places can cause such mixed emotions in me as this one photo. No this is not the house I grew up in; no this is not the home of a dear relative. Nothing like that, this home for me was part of a life changing event that transpired over the past summer. I lived in this house from March 2007- September 2007 and I learned a great deal about myself while here. I learned that I am stronger than I ever realized, and I also learned that I can be loved the way I always dreamed… but that that can go away in an instant. Sometimes things are not what they seem, and I know that while this may look like a nice house, believe me just a few months after this photo was taken, it went way downhill…. Sometimes it just takes a while for the true façade to come through.
08 November, 2007
The Circle of Life

06 November, 2007
Beautiful Couple
Who Killed Aunt Caroline?

Acting is a passion of mine, I have been in several performances while in high school and now I am in my first post-school performance. This has been an experience that I have really enjoyed, everyone involved is absolutely wonderful, and as we gear up to perform, I know that it is going to be a great show. I personally have considered it an honor for being cast as "Dan Donovan" in Who Killed Aunt Caroline?, Dan is a quirky character that is very likable and rather goofy… and very much the classic dumb jock. The play itself revolves around the Murder of Caroline Endicott by poisoning, apparently something was in her tea, well the murder is someone in the play (could even be Dan), and that’s where the fun is! The play is full of very personable characters that are as great as the people that play them… I have had such a great time, and I have made some wonderful new friends.
Brandon, MS, USA
05 November, 2007
Mind over Matter
Mind and matter work in conjunction with one another, and if you focus on nothing but negative things then that is all you are going to attract. Be grateful for all the positive things that are in your life, thank the stars for every thing that is going right, and know that that the negative is on its way out… fill your being with positive energy, and light… and then you will attract nothing but positive things.
It will do good to remember this, it will make you feel better… and things will get better.
Brightest Blessings!
04 November, 2007
Beady Beautiful
When I was younger we called these “Mardi Gras” beads… hey I still call them that. My friend Lisa is planning to use them in her wedding, to decorate the trees, when she finishes it will be beautiful. I personally have many memories from my childhood revolving around these lovely colorful necklaces… I used them at Christmas to make ornaments, I used them to play dress up as a small tot, and I can still come up with crafty things to do with “Mardi Gras” beads... without showing any body parts!
03 November, 2007
Lucy Tyrannopisci Regina
This is my dear Lucifer (aka Lucy)… She is an Oscar Astronotus ocellatus, and believe me she has attitude like you would not believe. She is known to throw hissy fits, and attempt to attack people through the glass of the aquarium. She responds when I walk by and talk to her, she really is a great fish. I have had Lucy since October 23, 2004 and she has followed me everywhere I have gone. She is a great companion and is so much fun to watch, not to mention she is very beautiful.
Nature Henge
Occasionally I get the urge to go be by myself and converse with nature, and occasionally when I do this I channel the druids that built Stonehenge I guess, because I create circular designs out of bricks or rocks. I’m not sure why I do this, perhaps it is just the creative side of me, and I can’t help but wonder what other people that come along after me think.
The Top Henge was created at Bonita Lakes in Meridian, The Bottom was created at the Ross Barnett Reservoir.
The Top Henge was created at Bonita Lakes in Meridian, The Bottom was created at the Ross Barnett Reservoir.
El Wal-Brero
El Sombrero
5746 U.S. 80
Pearl, MS 39208-8930
(601) 664-6764
Pearl, MS, USA
Royal Castles
Every now and again you come across a place that sparks your interest, and more often than not… your imagination. Meridian, Mississippi is full of such places that spark your imagination, and Royal Land is one of those places. From what I was able to gather, this was a small local theme park adjacent to the fairgrounds, however they are both now defunct, and this entrance is all that remains of Royal Land.
Uncertain Horizon

I have been inspired by a dear friend to create a photo blog, one I that I hope will help me to express myself and help others to see things the way that I see them. I know that this will be the start of a new adventure… one that I can be proud of. Join me as I face the uncertain horizon with a curious heart, and open eyes.
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