18 April, 2011


Some paths appear in front of us, paths that we are meant to take no matter how much we avoid them. We do not always know why we must walk the trail or where the trail will take us… but it is there, and it must be traveled.

I walked this trail last week, and while I was in one situation at the beginning by the end I was in a completely different situation. I wish I could understand what occurred or why it occurred, but it did and I am left with the aftermath. Ironically the trail circles Lake Waterloo in Denison, Texas; part of the Texoma (Oklahoma/Texas) region… I met my “waterloo” at Waterloo Lake, in many ways…



magiceye said...

this is lovely!

Lowell said...

Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds traumatic and I hope that things worked out well for you.

These are beautiful photos. We know Denison well. In fact, when we lived in Dallas some years back we went fishing often at the Preston Fishing Camp on Lake Texoma. Great fun!

Unknown said...

Jacob and Lois Anne, I'm not going to go as far and say it was Traumatic, but it was a lesson, if not for me... then for the person I was with.

I really enjoyed Denison, Sherman, and the area. I will be back to visit it very soon. I was well impressed with Lake Texoma as well, makes our little reservoir here look like a pond.

Mel said...

I oft times think I know what I'm wandering into when I wander. I forget that moments are used for growth (if not for me for the other person) all the time.

Always growing.....not always comfortably, but growing nonetheless.

Ah, but what a gorgeous place for a wander about.